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Reviews for "ROBO3000"

good animation shitty story

u have talent thats for sure in the graphics department, but the story was bad, genuinely bad. dont be another horny animator. break the mold and use technology to better the online community.


well. what a film.

the animation was excellent, I'll grant you that. and the audio was very well-done, though the robot voice grew tiresome rather quickly.

perhaps it was funny when the robot had to raise himself, though all of the sexing afterward was just bleh-y.

tom... you must have been under the influence. this doesn't belong on the frontpage, and you know that the adult tag doesn't really help much...

as for sweetsweet... it's a technically impressive flash, but the concept behind it is just dumb. in any case, I'm going to look for more of your work... there is a lot of potential.


The robot's voice really angered me. He never seems to stop at he start and leaves no pause. yabber yabber yabber yabber.

Serious then funny...great approach!

Instead of just going into a giant Hate/Love text i'll just explain why I gave the ratings I gave.

Graphics-Great! Just loved your art style, you have some talent.

Style-I can't say your story is original, in the fact the it misleads your audience but I almost want to say its rare to see it nowadays.

Sound-I have the same problem as most of them did, the robots' voice is hard to understand in some points.

Humor-I loved the way you played on sterotypes! It was all emotional then suddenly I was slapped in the face by the robo porn and not only that it was pimp style!

Overall I think you have great talent, and a sense of humor to boot. You seem to be strong in comedy but I am slightly curious as to what a serious production from you would be like.

All in all "W00t!!! all my 5 are belong to this!"

Could of been so much better.

As it started otu i was really thinking "This is a great start to what should make a fantastic series". But it simply transpired to be mindless smut. Kind of a letdown.
However the animation and graphics were very good, and you achieve what you were going for, I just think it could of been better.