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Reviews for "FightingGMFZ v0.6"

((( FUN )))

Well this is fun, but you need to add some more moves into this, but it was still pretty fun to play, i liked the way you set up your own keys on how to move, and the way you have more characters to choose. The animations were nice, and the gameplay was a bit slow at times, but ok to fight with, its a good job so far, and i hope to see the next version soon...



But there are still billions of bugs that need to be fixed... :-(


I played for a half an hour! It was so fun! the characters have tons of secret moves and tons of stuff you can do with them... Just one thing...Make the walkinig faster. the rest was AMAZING! If you submit the full version i'll add to my favorites!

breezzze1 responds:

Thanks for the review^_^
I planned to characterize each fighters by their walking speed and various of moves,just wait for the next version included new fighters acts more faster:)

i liked it alot.

You have good actionscriptskills but you need alittle help with animation. I can help you with that. Add my msn: jmrra at hotmail dot com . Don't pay attention to my animations on NG. I'm much better than that now.

if you need anything just add me on msn.


breezzze1 responds:

OK,That may be quite helpful,do hope this project be finished in a short period......


i kicked this one guys ass with a little short dude
pretty sweet