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Reviews for "Magus RPG"


THis is pure quality- must've taken you a ton of time.

A game with all RPG elements

Damnnit!! When I played it was almost like those NES RPGs and I luved it until... The manor! OMG! Like before you should gain full mana when you lvl up. Otherwise this game is the best of the best! Luved it so damn much and I hope you make more.

GJ on the game:)

Overall: 10
Sweet game!

You Sir are a God (Respond Please)

I have been waiting for someone with the love of magus as i do, he is god to me, along with shadow from ff3, but thats a different story, I thank you for all you have accomplished in this game, it follows the story of magus quite well, i will beat it in due time, i have other things to do at the moment, but im sure it will be good, there was perfect use of sounds, perfect use of sprites, only it would have been cool if you made him do his floating for his walk if you made like a sprint key or somthing like that, but besides that, the game suits my every need, and i congradulate you on your work and look foreward to seeing more of your work, if your ever looking to get help on anything, message me on aim/aol, my screen name is duodeathscythe66, message me if you need an opinion, or just about help on anything, i am eager to work on games and flash myself, so talk to me if you need help, you can also send me a message in the mail if you want to get somthing to me if im not on. Thank you for your amazing game, i hope to see your future things to come!


This is so freakin cool! Awsome, great, fantastic work! I love it dude. This with out a doubt rocks!

Love it!

Finnally a Magus RPG!!! YAY!! well it was great, kinda long in training though.... couldnt beat Dorien yet but i will another time, u claim this to be Chrono Trigger sequel, like after beating Lavos and looking for Schala, but why does Magus have to fight Dorien? she's Masa and Mune sister.... anyway good job!