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Reviews for "Warrior Boarder 2"

i agree with gravity fox

yo sorry dude im going to have to agree with gravity fox its not worty of front page maby to 15 but definataly not front page material sorry i thought it was an alright flash


I really liked how his skateboard would jsut *be there*

Saved a cop? WTF?

Um, ok, basicaly if your going to do one long battle scean make it smoother, and pay attention to whats going on!

I don't know what kind of messed up town you live in but usually highways don't come right after cliffs.


It was better than what I can do, but from watching all the other animation on NG. This doesn't really catch my attention. The shaking effect was lame and it could have been WAY better. Nice try though.


man, you need to add music and maybe some dialogue in there. And for god's sake, lose the long ass fights that end up in a guy that flies forever and ever when he gets hit and goes through brick walls. if hes dense enough to go through wall after wall, how is prison gonna keep him?

Worst. Flash. Ever.

Like the title says, worst. flash. ever.

It uses the SAME glass smashing noise over and over... And wtf is with the cop in the porto-potty thing??? Also, the "ninja-bag-guy-skater" gets kicked through like 15 buildings at a perfectly horizontal angle and it seems gravity has no effect on him. THEN all of a sudden, the falls straight perpendicularly from the original flight path and SMASHES through a concrete (should be) ceiling rather than breaking al his bones and rotting on the roof.

Geez. Try being a little more realistic.