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Reviews for "GreenCastle: DoubleExodus"

Excellent game need help tho :-)

Its still pretty early in the game i believe and i had a hell of a time figuring out how to get around and how to not get killed early but i got it down for the most part for now and have maxed out my stats on kyle kris and green castle. As for critiquing your game i really don't have anything to add that noone else has already said. I just beat the medusa looking bad guy who was a pain in the butt cause the first time i lost and had to do it all over again but anyways i beat her i've got the black robe the black key alexis ring which i already used i think for its purpose i haven't quite figured out what that new forktounge item is for yet but i'm gonna guess u won't tell me :-P. I went looking around and i need to find the red key for that gate and so does everyone else whose reviewed lol. I'm also still looking for that pass to get across the bridge i forget the towns name but its up north i think. I have no clue where to look for the green barre and have no idea what to do next and so on. The chick in the level leading up to medusa baddy wouldnt do anything for me but u said talk to her with "the mirror" yeah no idea where that is lol. Theres a picture of a bishop in greencastle's house and i'm not real sure where he is. I'm just all and all lost and frusterated and only being able to review once for help stinks lol. Help me plz!!!!

GreenCastle responds:

I'm trying to figure out where you are exactly in the game.
The ForkTongue is a Knight Weapon that deals Dark damage and protects the holder from Mute. When you're fighting the first of the Four Lords, it is very helpful for Kyle to have this item.
If you don't know where to find a bishop, that means you haven't opened the Black Gate yet. This requires the Black Key, whose location I hinted at in another review. After you open the Black Gate, you'll find two red chests. One of them contains the Green Beret. After you've done these things, the game will really start to open up for you.
You seem to have a good enough grasp of what's going on.
Good luck.

great game

really interesting, though not always clear what the objectives are. i can't find the red key, and am confused what i need for that life, light, and nothing riddle. i stood on the circle with lantern, mirror and egg, but that doesn't seem to work.

anyhow, it would help a lot if you worked more on the interface, like TP usage and hp of enemies. for some reason, i couldn't master crush (i must have used it 100 times), so i guess having a list of unmasterable skills would help too. changing characters was a bit odd, and the victory time really didn't need to be so long. maybe a few other small things were a little problematic, but it was a very good rpg. i think the last rpg as complete as this that i've played on newgrounds was absalom. very good work!

GreenCastle responds:

Standing on the circle with the Lantern, Mirror, and Egg was a great idea on your part. However, one of those objects is not correct. You need to find something else...

Remember Lillith, in Houndsor Manor? Equip the Mirror on GC and talk to her.

I agree, the interface could be a little better than it is. Mastering techs has to do with your wisdom, not how many times you use a tech. Crush, and a few other techs, can't be mastered. Hopefully I'll do a better job next time.

You're more than halfway through the game. Keep it up!

good one

very nice and fun game.

Pretty good.

I would have enjoyed it a lot more if I could have used the arrow keys to move around, rather than clicking around GC. I understand your desire to simulate the movement of a rook, but my clicking-hand was getting uncomfortable. Is there a way to program it that would only allow one key to be hit at a time, so that the keyboard could be used, just not to go diagonally?

Perhaps in a future version, the Library could have more information about enemies--what elements they are strong and weak in? It's a bit difficult to piece it together oneself. Well, perhaps it's just more time-consuming...

If there had been some way to turn the sound off, that might have also helped it seem less repetative.

I'm thinking the enemies need to be a bit smarter. For example, Parasites try to poison characters that are already poisoned.

How do you know whether or not you've "mastered" a tech, do you just have to watch in battle and see if you lose a tp or not? It might also be nice to have a list of what techs are available to each character, what levels they get them, etc.

I can't seem to find the Eagle Palace. The only thing I've found that's south is Kyle. Am I missing something?

Also, where are the "green beret" and "key" and "pass" I hear about (in the Port, the gate in the Manor, Cantatey Castle)? Where do I get the key, beret and pass, are they dropped by enemies? I went up to the Manor and fought the Medusa-like gal, I still need the black key, and I don't know if there are any new areas. I don't know where another dungeon is. If it's in Cantatey Castle, where do I get the pass?

Nice touch with the 23rd Psalm in the Library btw.

(I think those are all my questions right now. I hope...)

GreenCastle responds:

You've asked a lot of questions. I will now answer some of them.

Your question about mastering techs: Yes. You have to observe. It would be nice to get a list of techs and their TP costs, but I couldn't manage to fit that in anywhere. Sorry.

The Eagle Palace: It is the area you are in when you begin the game. It's actually the Eagle Palace RUINS now because GreenCastle destroyed the Eagle Palace at the end of his last game (read the introduction).

You need certain objects to access new areas. These objects are dropped by major enemies. Some are found in chests.

To get you started, here's where you find the BlackKey:
Go to the Library Basement. (I know you know where that is.) The left passage leads to the Red Gate, the right passage seems to lead to a dead end. Follow the right passage as far as you can. A monster drills its way out of the wall. This mini-boss is fairly easy at your level. If you have it, use Quake. You get the BlackKey for winning.

Hope I gave you enough to go on there.


not bad actually this is really good i give you two mouses up