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Reviews for "Mortal Kombat Mishaps"

This really sucked.

Whatever so called "humor" there was supposed to be in this movie was abscent, probably doing something humorous. This however, was not very well done, and yes, the buttons were annoying as hell, seeying as how you also used relitively small text for it as well. Now, for sheer stupidity, I give it a 10, but for actual quality and entertainment, a nice fat 0.

VicHD responds:

i'd like to see you do better, asshole!


boring it's the same thing as any other sprite mortal kombat crap.

VicHD responds:

i'd like to see you do better, asswipe!

Good job.

I really loved how you stole all your jokes from other MK parodies. Not front page material, this is clearly a kid with no sense of humor ripping off established authors (i hope im not the only one that noticed it.)
And i hate how you say the jokes were "inspired" by other MK parodies, you're full of shit, im loving it.

ha ha ha!

i find it funny how this shit could get on tha front page! and it was worth my time? DONT THINK SO!

you what!?!?

how much did you have to pay tom to get that on the front page? .......damn that was lame >_< didn't even laugh once.

o and please... when you do another parody... make sure it's funny.... and make sure it's something that isn't like..... 8/9 years old

VicHD responds:

i didn't pay tom anything to get on front page.
if this didn't please you, then i'm sorry!
i have other parodies, you know...