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Reviews for "E3 2005 Report"

Curse your eagerness

All of the next generation systems are boasting (or claiming) wireless controllers, including the PS3. Those are not controller slots, those are USB slots for things like cameras and thumb drives.

Blah. Lots of the graphics are distorted (apparently blown up too much), there is no coverage of games, and in general this flash is an eyesore. More explanation would be nice, and games should never be overlooked at E3. Improve the presentation, and make another button for the last frame in place of the "next" arrow that goes to the menu for lazy people.

However, if I hadn't seen E3 coverage elsewhere I'd be appreciating the pictures of the PS3 and the Revolution.

Something on E3... Hmmm.

You tried a different approach, I will give you that. On Monday of this week, I did a presentation of the XBox 360 and that is what compelled me to write a review for your movie/informational kit. Although I had already seen all the pictures included 'cept a few, this was mildly entrtaining. I would suggest tracing the E3 logo or smoothing it out so it will not look so pixelated and then maybe adding some soothing background music or letting us choose between 2 or more tracks. Lacking in many levels but still good.

just like Mp3_Lock said

the first GCN is real and it's called, if i remember, The Panisonic Q which is sold in Japan.

but as for my review, this was ok. more like a slideshow type flash but i did get to see some of the fakes and semi-fakes (meaning looks fake but might be real) that was floating on the game rumor mill.

Nice, but shallow

Mistakes in Nintendo's section: Fake 1 is real, it's a version of Gamecube that took DVDs in the bottom. Wasn't released outside Japan, made by Phillips of something. Also, Revoloution is Wi-Fi ready from the box, which I'm mentioning because you state in the movie that you were not sure about this.

I can't help but feel that there wasn't enough here. No games were even mentioned, but your views on some of the mock-ups were funny. 3/5

A little short and uninformative

Let's see...all you did was type in "Xbox 360" "Nintendo Revolution" and "PS3" into a google image search and that's how you got those fake images. No brainer. But, you could have put the same effort into finding actually interesting news on each console, not just pictures which most of us had already seen. You could have said "The Revolution will be Wifi compatible and is able to download previous games and is backwards compatible" instead of "It has colors!". You see what I mean? It doesn't really tell us anything. As for the actual game is was pretty bad, I know you were just showing the next generation systems and all, but would it have killed you to add a little music?

jimmyouidiot responds:

Yeah i considered doing more research, but alot of things are being kept hush hush right now, but atleast i gave everyone some pictures and music would have been nice, ur right. next E3 ill add music. lol.