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Reviews for "FFVI:The Time Before P-5"

Great Job Guys

Wow, All I gotta say is continue your great work in flash. This made my day, one of the coolest FF Movies to date. Inspires me to make some more RotVG episodes, hehehe

DanyLaporte responds:

Thx alot!!! It is really nice to hear this from u since you are the owner of a great series!!! I am really glad that you liked it!!!
Thx alot again!!!


well this movie is pwnage! ive seen plenty of FFVI movies, but none that were this good, you had the custom models, diff viewpoints and everything. not just those boring monster models that didnt move, actually u didnt have that at all. the fight with sabin and his gosu master was wicked, i hope to see u do much more with ur movies like that.

the graphic, well, its pixel, and pixel rock, btw, is ffVI ur fav FF game? took me some 80 hours to beat the first time....bloody hell lol.

keep up the good work, and i loved the race....nobody did that before, thats really original, did u replay the game recently or how do you remember such characters like the one setzer tried to compete before kefka & co. appeared? gj gj and gj again xD

DanyLaporte responds:

haha!!! Nice an othere Awesome review!! I get good reviews...but rarely some like this!!! Just take make everythings clear, English is not my primary language so sorry for the mistakes ill make in this respond =P!!! I am really glad u liked this!! It has been really hard to do some Im glad that someone can see that there is a lot of work here!! =P! Yeah, I wouldnt make a fight with a monster models that dont move =P!!!Yeah, I these kinds of fights are nice...thats why there is gonna be more than 1 in my next movie!

yeah pixels rock!! =P! Yep this is my favorite game! I finished the game like 999 times...and my characters was always lvl 99!! Hehe yeah! it took me around this time too to finish it!!!

Thx alot!! Yeah! I wanted to make something original that had never been done before!! Glad that did u find this original =D!!! That was the goal :P! lol I played so many times the game that I remember every sigle point of the game lol!
Thx Thx and Thx again!!! =D!!!

Yeah for Sprites

Well i recently found your FF movies and there awsome. Plain and simple. You manage to develope a back stroy without effecting the plot of the games, absolutly brilliant.
Also, what program do you use for your sprites?
Also the grammer in the movies is usualy off a little every here and there. Find someone to check it for you before you submit it. Much love (not really, but really)

DanyLaporte responds:

Hey thx!! Glad that uve found them!! =D! Lol really glad u find this brilliant!! Cauz its really hard to do! I have to concider all the conversations in the game!

For the srptes, I simply use phtoshop and modify them by myself. It is not really difficult...

Yeah, its always hard to make the characters talk like in ff6...but heh! Im trying!!! =P!!!
Thx alot fore reviewing!!!


this is one of the best movies ive ever seen. keep it up. really amazing graphics. only problem is when you do a close up they look shitty. just a lil of my opinion. anyway, this was really really great!

DanyLaporte responds:

Lol thx! Glad u liked it that much! Well ill take a look at these close up...thx for the advice!
And thx for reviwing!!!

Truly the best piece of art i've ever saw!

I'm soooo sorry...at part four i gave u an avarge 0,By mistake..ment a 10...-_-....

Good flash again!

Please..go on!!

DanyLaporte responds:

LOl thx! =P! glad you liked it that much.... Its okay! I dont really care for the part4 thing....

Thx again!