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Reviews for "{dj-N} Buddy"

amazing song

dj-nate your one of the greatest artists on newgrounds hands down. i have listened to all your songs and i will be waiting for the day you come back. i hope when you do the songs you have are even more amazing than the ones you have made before. ill always be a fan of your i hope everything turns out for the best.


Every single song you've ever done has been amazing. I dislike your drum and base only because I dislike the genre.. people are whining because they don't like the genre your making music in.. hence, ignore them.. all of your songs are amazing (love your Katy Perry remix) and anyone who whines simply doesnt have appreciate for the genre you've done.

Good luck with your problems.

Same Here Man!

You'll always be my Fav Artist on Newgrounds!
Because you try, not like others!
They just show off!
Keep your head up man,
Love you man! [no homo]

nice man

I've been through the same shit man, considering my old account was "g-rave". Everyone's nagging at you for straying away from your old style, and slowly becoming more generic. I think trying new styles is healthy in the growth of someone, as a musician. Don't let people get to you, make music for yourself. Knowing you back in the old NG days, seeing you get better, you should be proud of yourself.
Currently I'm stuck and taking a break as well, so just take it easy man, and good luck with everything.


Raise ur head man! Don't feel bad!

First of all, awesome track, nice pianos and stuff=)
But, this isnt the reason i am reviewing this. I think he may be right sometimes, to be honest, and you may have never noticed my and my music, but I always was up to date with ur music, for example orchestral angels 2, that song.. I remember me bouncing on it day after day. Why should it be a shame that you change genre? Dude, the songs u are making now are still so fucking awesome! Take this as an example man..
What i always thought when i started making music with fl studio was, i wanna be like nate and b0unc3 man! I simply downloaded ALL ur songs, listened them a thousand times, learning from it to make me what i am now, ur music is what always made me realise i sucked, so i tried improving and improving, just with the thought, if Nate would ever see me making kick ass songs like his:D So i kept on trying and trying.. and look where i am now.. (Though i got hacked on my old account called DjDennC).. i got waaaay better in music man, and i owe it to the (in my opinion) best artists on newgrounds : You and B0unc3..
Why believe that guy saying ur songs are bad now? U're so close to ur breakthrough man! Do NOT give up EVER! I couldn't miss u for the world.
I'm very sorry to hear that you are losing alot of fans; but believe me, i'll always be ur fan man:-) though i would like to hear some of ur old style again, i think it would sound awesome with the things u've learned now:D
Don't feel bad, don't run for people like this, they say they're ur fan, wich is big BS, they just liked ur old style. True fans are always supporting u whenever they can, i hope this review makes you realise that there are still 100000 people over there still loving what you do. And don't count me out, those dance, house and all the other songs are so friggin' awesome!
I hope this cheered you up a little bit man;-) Im feeling sorry about your pet by the way, i couldn't live without my dog man.. So i understand what you are feeling;)

Keep up man, ull get through this!

Voted 5 btw=P

I still <3 ur style and stuff!!:P

Denn-C ;-) That's one heck of a review there.