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Reviews for "Killer Bush 3D"


WOW that was the best hing i have seen on newgronds man that was kewl wat can i say im shocked im sue you will get the job u want and become a very sucsessfull <-- i can spell animator

Ohh, dugga, dugga, dugga!

It's simply great, like the last guy said, Osama bin's reply was funny, great animation, plot, and Bushes statment goes with his personality.

Make more like it(i want to see who dies!)

I need more

Must have more


Did you really do that in flash?

Although it was short, it is the best animation I've seen on NG (and I've been around NG for ~3 years!). The 3D effect was awesome. That must've taken some serious time. Great job, it was definately worth the 13 megs. I'm looking forward to more!

Great work as always.

Congrats on the Weird Al thing aswell. Keep it up man, you'll be big in no time!