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Reviews for "Game Maker Trailer"


It was all ok except that annoying music and Exorcist-looking background


it seems ok

Very nice

It looked very well done. However I noticed you mispelled auther, it is actually spelled, author. Other than that, superb.

Woah. That was a bit...weird.

Well, it looks like a cool tool and all, but the song wasnt exactly fitting. It actually was a little lame at times, sorry man, just telling the truth.

Im looking forward to playing this (what looks like) cool game-maker though!


OMG!!!! tahts fuckin awsome!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! but...

it looks like you can just have a bunch of platforms bad guys and coins i mean thats cool but maybe a shooting action a way to custamize controls and different cherecter/background/music/wepoin choices ofcourse all the charaters do the same thing but if u have a background thats a rainbow with this little devil charater it dont work to goog unless hes invading haven or somthing make sure u can make different lvls and be able to save your game and maybe let other ppl try it on a webstie (if you have one) i no this would be very hard because i tried flash and its really hard to make a quality minute movie with a replay button

and this looks awsome but just some things tahat would be cool + maybe different looking platforms with the shotting ability killiable monsteres some have 2 hit points or whatever sry im going to far but it would be nice if u could encorperate some of these things in your game maker!

dylanjones responds:

haha, yeah i didnt include all of the things i have done for the game, but i have more then one platform i have two sizes of one and another differnt color one, and one that is transparent and you cant jump on it untill you hit a thing, and i made 4 differnt backgrounds, there is much more in the game then shown here, lol, but the only thing im gonna have a hard time doing is the more then one level, which im gonna do it! even if it kills me, but the saving part, i dont know lol i wish i could do that but we will have to wait and see. thank you for the review