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Reviews for "YAAFM 10: 50 Cent"

Was okay...

I´ve always been a good fan of YAAFM and of course, Reginold. But this time i must say it got a bit boring, for some reason i couldnt keep up with it and not be distracted by something else.
I agree that it does need a little bit more thought put into it, but apart from that i like everything else, the new set, new song etc.
And all those points about 50 cent i agree with.

Heck, the guy was bottled at last year's Reading Festival here in the UK when he tried playing in front of an audience of rockers and moshers. He was even thrown a camping chair at him, thats how popular he is.

To that xBluexplayax guy or whatever, dont be such a hypocrite; it's very comfortable to just go and blame other people for whatever is pissing you off, but at the end of the day, you said yourself there is freedom of speech and opinion, and this here is only just an opinion which a lot of people hold on 50 cent, cause quite honestly, he's making big bucks just for talking about ho's and guns over a repeated sample over and over again.

Peace out.

Straying a bit from what we've come to know

I dunno what to say, man. I've liked the YAAFM series a lot, but I think starting with the Michael Moore episode you've been slowly running out of the funny. There aren't many special YAAFM moments anymore like the Courtney Love quotes that feature her daughter saying she's not afraid of her, followed by the record slip. Or the lengthy introductions filled with plays on words just before introducing the moron of the episode. Things like that.

It's those kinds of touches that gave YAAFM a lovely and most importantly SUBTLE humor to it that just isn't showing up anymore.

And though you've tried to address it, you can't deny that there is irony in advertising for maxim after blasting someone for portraying women as piece of ass. Seriously, you can't deny that Maxim degrades women even if it's not outright porno.


I don't get it. Are you trying to make a point, or be funny? Because you aren't really hitting a point, and you aren't really being very funny. It's just....tragically dull. Maybe the accent is supposed to be funny? Or the snail? Or the bumming off of advertisements at the end?

I don't know, this series doesn't work for me.

That made me happy where my pants should be

Good ol' YAAFM, it makes me happy. Not much to say as it was a great flash, so I've got no constructive criticism for it. Oh, and by the way, thanks to Phloxy for pointing out how retarted Net Speak looks.

finally someone understands it....

wtf does fame, riches and whatnot have to do with how hard life used to be? so i had a hard life (or whatever..something like that) and now i'm a tool selling out to the already decayed society? how pathetic....music isn't about what people think is popular/or what sells....yeah, maybe some lame ass little 13 year old poser white prick.....no...music is about the mood/feeling/emotion and message within it.....rap is nothing but a smatering of a sell-out who is NOT trying to advocate gangs, crack, whatever...all that shit....
but he uses all this crap in the music and music vids? wtf? eh....yeah...kinda ineffective wouldn't you agree? YES.
message so far=0, nadda, none, zippo

so what about feeling? well, other than mailing bombs to a certain idiot or killing myself from hearing such mindless banther....i think i feel pretty amused anyone would think this corrolates to his life in the 'hood'....if life was tough back then, then how about something on that line? might help your message too chief....

meh, whatever, most of friends who listen to rap only like it for the beat.....you guess that means they life blasting 20000 decibels of pure shitball bass just bleed from the ears? wtf....strange....well, if you want good beats, i can tell you there's 2 options: 1) get in line so i can introduce you the hammer i'm gonna smack you up with or 2) listen to some techno....not really a great message other than 'party down and have fun' but it definitely makes for a good feel^^

whatever, free speech is great and so is YAAFM, enjoy my essay!^^ lol