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Reviews for "MMPolarity Reconstruction"

Great Game,Really Brings Me Back

This was a fun and strategic game,im having trouble on the second chapter though where you have to jump across and dodge the spikes on top,but i can figure that out eventually.The only gameplay issue is you should make it where if you are on the wrong polarity you cannot hurt the other color at all! that would make it really challenging!

Frankenroc responds:

That's a take on the Ikaruga part of the game. The only enemy who is completely invulerable to the same polarity is the boss when he has the same color shield.

In Ikaruga, and in here, the opposite polarity does double damage to an enemy, so there IS an advantage, even if it's not readily visible.

Cheat code

If any of you want to use a cheat code, type in DAMNCAT and you'll get 6 lives.

Frankenroc responds:

Why do I feel as if this review will be voted really helpful? haha

Haha yea..Thats it

At Last ! Man I'm sorry I couldn't even play the last beta but I'm ghlad to see this here.I'm not at home today and this comp sucks ! So I can't even play it now :S

But I know that this is a great masterpiece - You are a genius cause you mixed Inuyasha and Megaman.And with that great crossover game you'll be famous for sure..

I already voted 5 on it and I'm going to tell my fans and forum members to vote 5 on it.You know me and my fans. they are crazy .;)

And for those who are reading , play this game ! Now ! You'll regret if you don't play.Even If you don't like megaman you'll like this game.Cause its completely different.You'll feel it..And believe me !

And Frank is one of the best - I love his works and he has a nice personality too.I know how he worked hard for this one so....Vote 5 !

The controls are great easy to use - The music and the looping parts are great.The extras/cheats are super.There's nothing to say about it.I especially think that they will like playing with blues ;) (I guess I kinda spoiled ;) .

And an advice from me frank : "Never care about suckers who say "This game sucks..you suXXXoorsss .Go die b*tch".Cause they are the ones who are jeolous about everything and who don't even know what flash is.So...Understood ?.....Good ^^

Changing polarities is so fun especially if you're using it against the same colored enemy XD lol

Well Frank take care of yourself.As I promised before I'll do what you did to help me 2 weeks ago.And believe me Thats a "Flamezero Promise" :P

Heh see ya ! I'll talk to you later...

(I can'T open my msn -_- Cause now its full of my fans and its hard to talk who I want to talk lol :P.And now you have submitted such a good game.And the same thing will happen to you LOL ! Muahahahhahahaa - AHAHAHAHAHAH*cough...Uhm ok...jk XD)
(Reply to my review or I'll burn you to ashes ;)

Frankenroc responds:

Well, I don't want to be burned to ashes... haha.

Thanks for such a great review!


This was a really nice game, good job.

Frankenroc responds:

Thanks, I'm glad you enjoyed it!


Wow, that's quite an interesting gameplay twist. Great work. While you're at it with the bugs, why not add a blaster charge sound? And I think it would make more sense if changing polarities was disabled while the blaster is charged. Finally, for a megaman game, the gravity seems kinda low. I distinctly recall Megaman dropping like a lead weight.

Frankenroc responds:

I was trying to add the blaster charge sound, but I couldn't really get it to the point I wanted it, so I put it low on the priority list.

Disabling the shift while the blaster was charging... to be honest I never thought of that. Let's say that uh... somewhere between the second movie and this one, he learned a new trick? Haha.

As for the gravity, it may seem a little low, but I thought the level I set it to was appropriate for my game.

Thanks for your comments!