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Reviews for "Video Dating Service"


HEY!!! you draw ppl not sticks!!! WOW!!! ok ... seriously ... this was GREAT!!! I voted very high because your twisted sense of humor deserved it!!! I agree with other reviews ... some backgrounds & next time .. the girls contestants??? nice going!!

Electric-Celery responds:

If I make a sequel, it'll be about the girls. Thanx for bringin it up.

That kicked ass..

What exactly happened to Steve though? Demonic posession? Bad cheese? Uncontrollable bowel movement?

Electric-Celery responds:

Actually, a little of all three...


That made me giggle.

How true..those dating services do have alot of wierdos..

...but that # 2 was..pretty hot..and we have alot in common..

oh well..*shrug* Nice Job on this though.

Electric-Celery responds:

If you want to get in contact with Cthulu, I can get you his number...


hehehe, that was some great stuff dude... the idea has only been done a few times before (David Firth made one), but this was completely different, original, and hella funny XD
all of the 'bachelors' were extremely different to eath other, the voice acting was always different (very good :D), not to mention the dialogue kicked total ass! great characterisation, very funny stuff. well done!!

Electric-Celery responds:

I did all the voice acting myself. I don't care if George sounded like his daddy, I'm not very good at impersonations....

Not bad

Although I have come to the conclusion that most people either loved it because it has Cthulu in it, or they hate George W. Bush.

Just a little anti Bush propaganda thrown in there with some love of Cthulu and that's pretty much all this video is.

Next go around, if there is one, try making up original characters.

Electric-Celery responds:

Actually, I never said that that was Bush. His eyes were blurred out and it never said his last name. Also, it's not "Cthulhu" the eldergod, it's just an alien with a similar name. (Without the H.)