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Reviews for "Viridarium Berry Catch v2"


...it was okay.

Vector88 responds:

thanks :)

Not bad at all!

I quite liked this, the powerups work quite well and overall it is cool. Next time try to make the powerups have more effect, and make it easier at first. Good luck!

Vector88 responds:

Thankyou :)
This is the first version we've incorporated powerups and such... If you accidentally get like 2 red ones you can be in real shit with this game. The trick is to get 1 or 2 green ones at the start, then you have a ton more control in your movement. Thanks :)


you could really see some of the tips people left in the reviews for the first one come out in this one. Awesome improvements by the way. I also noticed that it said "press the berry to continue" hehe. But yeah, great game, much more of a challenge as well. keep up the good work ^_^

Vector88 responds:

haha thanks :D
I put in "press the berry" because I noticed someone asked about that... :)

cheers :)

immense improvment.

not only have you improved the gameplay because there are far more power ups and things to collect/avoid, but you've also made it a lot harder which was really good in my opinion... challenges in games = good games, ahha.
though, as i played this more and more i found it to be increasingly difficult! the red power-downs really started pissing me off, and i think that the 'poison' berries did too much negative damage to your score... because they're everywhere i just think that a -1 effect on your score would be pretty good.
also, that music really started to piss me off XD haha. good game though, good improvements :)

Vector88 responds:

Thankyou M-A-R-C-U-S :)
I appreciate your comments, and thanks for all the suggestions, we do take them in :D
yeah, I have to agree with the poison berries, they had a chance of i think it was.... 1/40 or 1/50 every frame, so they ended up coming in a bit too much... but I'll save that change for version 3 eh? :P

thanks again :)

good 1 nice graphics

nice graphics

Vector88 responds:

thankyou for the compliment :)