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Reviews for "A Men's Room Monologue"

so true

haha that is so funny and its true. That has all happened to me except the poorly constructed stall, i've never quite had a window. I remember one time i was in the stall and a father walked in with his daughter and all i could hear the man say was "no..NO! dont touch that, aww, go wash your hands!". That is the best movie i have ever seen here on newgrounds. It made me laugh forever. I hope you plan on making others.

Loved it...

Damn you caught ALMOST everything. You did however miss how there is sometimes crap or pee on the seat, or when theres no toilet paper to use.

Very nice...

Its funny because its true! I love movies that complain about anoying stuff that are also anoying for me! Dude i loved this! And i never trust those auto toilets i think that there is someone watching or the owners of the bathroom are trying 2 catch the people who graffity...Anyway very true and very good...

good but u forgot some stuff

u forgot about pee all over the floor near urinal and toilet
and the people who see to miss crapping into toilet and make it into the rim or the ones who dont flush


u are the first persn 2 actualy make sense in YEARS. I cut myself a few times, got caught in conversation, and had a few daughters point that out. But the only thing wrong is the automatic hard blowing dryers. Their lots of fun and make a kewl crater when u get 2 close >: )