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Reviews for "The Match"


that shit was weak cuz. the end was coo wen dude burned up doh. othawise that was gahbage. holla


Another generic stick fighting...

Wow its so original, he uses matchsticks instead of sticks!...please. I've said this so many times in so many reviews, but i feel like newgrounds is run by a bunch of little kids that think a good animation makes a good flash and thanks to that, this shit is going straight to the frontpage, while great flashes get lost in the portal. There is something called content, something that most flashes don't have. Specially the generic mindless fighting that is poluting the portal. Least he could do is something original, but no...same old fighting we have seen over and over again. So yeah, I gave it a 4 because the animation is great, but no content makes your good animation pointless.

good graphics but.....

i don't like stick battles and other useless, pathetic excuses of people's talent in art.....but this was diffrent....the art/graphics were nice and fresh...nj there

however, you did recreate just about every lame element of DBZ, therefore YOU ARE DA SUCK in style-GET YOUR OWN, please for the love of fucking god people, stop copying lame ass DBZ!>_>

otherwise, it was mildly funny with the match dude frying himself....

oh, and don't bother coming up with a lame comeback at me for taking a piss over your style (or lack there of) here....stick (stick...lol...didn't even intend that^^) to what you're good at: art/graphics

cherrorist responds:

Oh, ph33r no comebacks dude, you've at least made a valiant effort to be constructive, if only in rantish manner.

get your own ideas

Nice GFX but ....you didnt copy dragon ball Z in anyway now did you, oh no, you thought of that all by yourself didnt you..n00b. Get an imagionation and stop copying other peoples forumalas...also the whole 'fighing thing with super DBZ type powers' has been done a million times, its boring, repetitive and u got a 1 (and thats just because i liked the graphics)

cherrorist responds:

OMG, what's your IQ, -600? It says in the credits it's inspired by DBZ. Btw, that repetitive thing is called a 'preloader'
C-mon, say this with me: 'pre-load-er'
You know what I like the most about your review? The fact that it's not abusive in any way, so it won't be deleted & you're stuck with my answer in your GG account forever!
God, you just got pwned.
Thanks for making my day ;)

I don't get it

a bunch of floating sticks fighting?

sorta wierd if you ask me