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Reviews for "Sprite Survivor - 6"

funny that was

i vote for neclord and flik

p.s. nice you added link

Hell-Fire responds:

- No votes -

Sorry, Only 1 vote is allowed. And I got a lot of requests for link so thats why hes in. Thankyou.


Vote-Flik (I'm a Square fan and Neclord's a vampire which is cool in my book, ya don't like that well sue me)

Noooooooooo...I liked Sailor Moon (she gave good head...) ah well

I've watched your entire series now and i love how you alter your story, even when key characters like Bartz are voted off you kept goin, keep it up.

P.S. Link Rocks :)

Hell-Fire responds:


Cool, Thanks a lot. Neclords cool but sailor moon was My personal Favorite. Now I only have Bub left.

One for Flik

Good series.

Hell-Fire responds:


thanks a lot.

amazing, as usual

I loved it. . . I vote for. . . well I guess it would have to be Cecil, just because he aggrivates me for being so invincible. I like all of the chars from both tribes. (specially shadow)

Keep the amazing work coming.

Hell-Fire responds:


Ok cool, thanks.

BRILLIANT hell fire u have done it again

wow this is so GREAT i liked it where they keep going SEPHIROTH and go into this little song ooo and i like bub GO BUB he did really good in this weeks callenge :) GO BUBBY i can't wait to find out who the mystery contestant is..... i'm for some reason gonna guess it would be out of two contestents. 1 link and 2 crono if i spelt his name right don't ask me y it is just a guess but anyways about the eviction hmmmmmm this will be tough. ummmmmmmm i would have voted cecil but he only got back i would have voted him as he lost to bub as they were the final two. when even tho i like bub cecil would have won. bub is like me FULL OF SURPRISES!!! YAY BUB (is kinda obsessed with bub) bub did a good dance after he won for his team. o yea and mario HEY MARIO ya lucky u got good people on ya team. and now the moment of truth who gets to leave. after a close call between terra and neclord i say neclord as he should've have gone last time and ain't done much since he got here. o yea and in the challenge y did flik go to where he got the star sword???? ok see ya KEEP IT UP HELL FIRE can't wait till sprite survivor 7 see ya

Hell-Fire responds:


Hey thanks a lot mate. I take it you want Bub to win. Flik went to the cave because he thought he was safe from teris blocks beause he has a roof over his head. But he was unlucky to get a rock fall on him. Thanks for the review.