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Reviews for "Sprite Survivor - 6"


I just watched Ep.1-6 for the 3rd time. I just really love this series. You have done a very good job at this. I really enjoyed the Sephiroth battle, but you should of kept Squall alive. I vote for Neclord, I just don't find him interesting anymore. Keep up the excellent work and can't wait to see Ep.7.


Hell-Fire responds:


Wow, lol thats a good effort. Thanks for watchen my movies so much :). Thanks for votes and review


That was the best one yet!!! make number 7 and bring someone back on that was voted off. I vote Rosa because i want to see Cecil go on his own.

Hell-Fire responds:


Yeah I have been really busy with uni exams and havn't done as much as I would have liked to. But it should be done withing the next 2 months. Thanks

heres my vote

first of all i want to congradulate u on ure flash, the battle was awesome!
secondly what happened to squall is he dead?
i think for your next flash u should add locke for FF6 becuse he rocks!
also what game is arc from?
i vote rosa becuse she sulks all the time.

Hell-Fire responds:


*Squall got cut in half. He is dead. lol
*Loche....maybe. He didn't really appeal to me.
*Arc is from Terranigma(sp?) for the Snes

Thanks for the votes and review.

It just doesn't stop gettin better

Mate if you were to make this series any better, people would start to piss themselves in anticipation.( well maybe not THAT much). The only bad thing about this, is that megaman was voted off. Damn, he was my favourite hero when i still had my NES. Will he make a comeback of some sort? cos if he did, that would just make my day.
I would like to vote Neclord and thats all for now

Hell-Fire responds:


He is totally out of the competition but I have no doubt that you will see him again. Thanks

They Get Better and Better

First off, I nominate Flik.

I can tell you're getting more and more comfortable with your work as each episode is progressively smoother, wittier, and more stylish. There is only one thing that I think is in desperate need of help and that is the spelling. It really hurts the professional feel when words like "rite" and "site" are spelled that way. Chat speak on instant messenger is one thing; dialogue in an actual work is entirely another.

I'm very much looking forward to the next one.

P.S. Crono forever!!!

Hell-Fire responds:


Thanks mate. I have improved a lot in the spelling though. MSN just creates bad habits. Thanks for review