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Reviews for "Review: Alien vs Predator"


the only funny part about this movie is...
at least the graphics were k.

though the whole over-used joke thing is kinda gettin old, hence the 'over-used' joke thing.

It got boring around the part where they started playing chess... then.. well, it got worse and worse.

This is a very unfunny flash, and it is VERY over-rated. :-[

i thought it would be a good spoof on avp..

...then this came along and i thought it was rather boring and slow

2002 - 2003 R.I.P. Legendary Frog's Credibility

No matter how many times people say it, you still don't get it, Legendary Frog. With each new movie you create, my respect for you just keeps on dwindling. I used to be impressed by your animation and jokes. Heck, I admired your older movies. However, your style grows more immature and your jokes even more so with every passing film.

About the animation first, the tweened arms must be absconded. They were acceptable in your more novitate entries, but now they're just unacceptable. Sure, I can't blame you for the animation since you think you're such a Newgrounds god that you're no longer required to do even that anymore, but good god, Joe. This style is no longer visually appealing and just shows a lack of regard to grow as an artist. With films such as "There She Is! Step 2," the bar has been raised. It's hand drawn, fluid, and most of all visually appealing. Seeing a shortened arm rigidly shooting up to point at something is no longer visually captivating. All I'm saying is grow up. Of course you probably won't since other people do your animation for you just to fellate the status quo.

About the writing, which now appears to be your weakest point. I have no appreciation for your G-rated, stale, stolen jokes. Sometimes the jokes get so bland that they can be foreseen before the punchline is even delivered. It's dissapointing you've lowered yourself to a parody of a parody of critics. I mean, this cartoon is kind of like the Critic, except it sucks. Put simply, the jokes were terrible and I didn't laugh once. I didn't even think of laughing.

Well, I shouldn't say that. I laughed when you ripped the movie a new one and still managed to give it a 3 out of 5. Thus ruining the continuity of the entire film. Great job.

Put all of this together, and you get a modern day Joe Blanchette film. The guy who is too high and mighty to do the dirty work of "animating" his own characters now because he feels his writing is extraordinary. He obviously hasn't taken any hints from the several elongated bad reviews he's gotten to tell him to stop writing. Hopefully one of these days he'll get off of his throne, stop writing bad jokes, and having other people animating them for him and start to create something worthwhile again.

For the rest of you, stop marking him so high merely because he's the mighty LF. He may very well get the hint someday. Well, maybe not. I don't think he even reads reviews to begin with.


Like i said, i bet u didnt even watch any of the other movies you mencioned!!! The grapics sucked and so did evreything else, the only thing i even thought was ok was where the guy who played bishop in Aliens, was wearing a shirt that said " I WAS IN ALIENS", other than that it sucked. And there not aliens, there Xenomorphs, god damit!!!! (its zenomorfs thats how u say it).


i agree with the guy below me the avp movies are awesome and this is just stupid!