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Reviews for "Halo Animation Trailer"


It has potential for being cool but right now its just a slide show of "traced bitmaps" with music so it's more or less a powerpoint rather than an actual flash. I have no clue how you plan on animating a bunch of screen shots but go for it. I'll be pe patiently waiting through previews with a large bag o' popcorn.... let me rephrase that... a HUGE bag of popcorn. XD


a lot lot lot lot more...
maybe 3 or 4 years(bungie have another project for the xbox 2)

not quite.

all you've done is cheaply vectorised a few halo images. i bet you dont have any intention of actually making this movie. you disgust me.


this is just too damn lazy, put a filter over the trailer, add some text, et voila! too damn lazy submission... it probably took you 1 minute, more if you have a slower internet connection to download the trailer...
try to do something original, make a totally new trailer that shows all the funny or wrong stuff in halo, that could be cool... not this crap

gr krejt

dolfan4life89 responds:

I did not download or copy any trailer at all. The real animation will be the story of halo 2, but from a third/first person point of view. And all of you seem to think that I have filtered all the frames- not true.


a trailer... what do you think the point of one is? to me, it's supposed to give you a little sneak peek of things to come, it's supposed to entice you, make you want to watch the full movie/play the full game.
this did none of those things for me. also, it's not about how well you CAN or CAN'T animate, it's about how much you DO animate... so saying 'i purposefully didnt animate a lot in this' is no excuse, because that isnt going to make me want to see the full movie after watching a few pictures zoom in and out off the screen, watch some Times New Roman text or some other crappy font flash on and off the screen...
this was quite worthless, and gave me no insight as to what to expect for the full movie (which may turn out to be really good). you've simply gone about making this in the wrong way, buddy.

dolfan4life89 responds:

i appreciate the advice. thanks