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Reviews for "Megaman Zero- The Last Cataclysm"


but not in THAT way

there's a dumbass at pg 20+..

''First of all, Zero sounds like a retarted gay dude, second, this flash has to be THE chesiest thing I've ever watched, and third, it looks like crap. maybe next time you can actually DO SOME ANIMATION YOURSELF, plus you cant zoom in on those crappy graphics and make it look good''
WTF IS THIS ASSHOLE THINKING! (samwiSe08 on pg 20+)
K, lets get on..

Graphics: 6/10
Reason being that the sprites look very blurry when zoomed in

Style: 10/10
Cool action, Cool fight scenes, Cool weapons and more!

Sound: 10/10
The voices rock. my personal fav voices are Foxtar's, Harpuia's, Hellbat's and Leviathan's

Violence: 7/10
Not too much violence, but we were able to see the inside of the reploids when they were cut into half, that was quite a something

Interactivity: 0/10
Well, this isnt a game..

Humor: 0/10
Didn't find this quite funny :/

Overall: 10/10
overall this is an OK sprite movie, MAKE MORE!

How many stars would i rate this out of 5? Uhh.... 7!


whoa... thats like so awesome... but next time u should sharpen it so we can see better. it's like the only one with voices and next time try to go with the story line..omega was like destroyed by then.,..

the best voice overs in a flash movie.

The acting in this as to be the best I've heard on flash in some time. I can't wait to see the next chapter.

So good, but so many inconsistencies...

Right from the beginning, everything seemed well. The animation was very slick and supreme to most other sprite flashes. No need to say much about the sound or music. But the voice actors, there is much hope within them. Everything seems well. That is, until you present this before a MMZ fanatic.

**Spoilers for MMZ players**

There are several inconsistencies. From the beginning, Harpuia stated that Master X and Dr. Weil/Bairu were planning on world domination. This is inconsistent with the canon; in Zero 3, Copy X mk.II was 'retired' once more by Zero. So, how exactly would Copy X plan on world domination while in the scrap heap?

By the way, RockMan Zero 4 is out and in no way has Copy X been mentioned. Yet. (I will admit in not completing my import copy of the game. Yet.)

Another inconsistency within the first two minutes. There is no way in the Nine Circles of Hell that Zero is MegaMan X's brother. A creation of Dr. Light/Right/Hikari is in no way related to a creation of Dr. Wily. (And there is also no way in hell, for those not familiar to the MMZ series, that Dr. Weil/Bairu is Dr. Wily.)

Bloody hell, you just had to pull all the weapons Zero used since Zero 1 didn't you? Using the Triple Rod and the Recoil Rod briefly is nice but it wouldn't hurt to toss in the Chain Rod. Launch it, reel the foe in and a nice Ryuenjin (Rising Dragon) would be a good finishing move. But what irked me was the fact that you remained inconsistent when Zero melded both the old beam saber from Zero 1 and 2 (a true saber form) with that of the new beam saber from Zero 3 (more of a broadsword).

Zero's demeanor is inconsistent. Portraying him as obnoxious is incorrect since in the game he is more or less of a stoic. And turn down the pompous attitude on him, please! I'm talking about Zero being the dark and moody fellow who is protective of certain people, not the bombastic and pompous fellow!

Another note. The remaining three of the Four Guardians/Shittenou ("Heavenly Kings") would under no circumstance ally with Zero for the purpose of saving the world. Rather, they would fight to prevent the destruction of humanity, which was MegaMan X's original mission.

Final note. Omega/Original Zero was destroyed at the end of Zero 3. The Guardians and Cyberelf X all witnessed Zero/Copy Zero destroy Omega in the underground laboratory where Ciel and her Resistance Team found the armless body. Now, how exactly do you plan on explaining the appearance of Omega/Original Zero when it was plainly destroyed?

Seriously, I love everything about the flash except for botching the original story by Inafune-sama. And the obnoxious attitude that Zero has.