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Reviews for "Bush's Big Joke"

Now why would he say that?

Why does George Bush accuse Iraq of possessing weapons of mass destruction when there were none in the first place? And then why does he turn around and make a joke about it? HAHA the dumb man made a funny!

A better thing he could have said years ago: "There are no wmd's. Let's not go to war." Turns out, there are no wmd's and we're still in this mess fighting a war that we don't even need to fight. Saddam's gone! Why are we still there?? We should have been done with Iraq when the banners said -Mission Accomplished-

Bush=Smug asshole.

I don't know what the hell that one guy who gave you a zero and said your flash was Bullshit because he thought you supported Bush was on. What a frickin' moron.

Nice job. I've always hated that stupid smug smile Georgie boy gets on his face when he thinks he's being funny or smart.

The Sad Truth

I think that you did a very good job of conveying the messege that B*sh doesn't really care. The only time he cared about who died in a war was when he was almost in it. And he had his dad get him out. Maybe he would have died in the war if he didn't run away from it.

Also, I don't think you should listen to those other Re*******ns that worship B*sh. If they haven't noticed, most talented and/or funny people are Democrats! I think ignore them, and just pay attention to the good reviews:

The little gunshot sound was a little loud, but the messege was well sent.

I say, stand up for yourself and keep showing NG the truth about B*sh.

I want you to know I don't support Bush...

I hate Bush as much as the next guy who hates Bush but its too little too late. He's in for the second term and he's a war machine, but there is nothing that any one can do except for all the political fatcats in Washington. Don't get so worked up about it, just don't join the military and if he brings back the draft run to Canada. I say leave the fighting to the Bible Belt bastards and warhawks who believe that Bush's actions are justified.

upsetting but true...

That was actually really upsetting to me, but I know how true it is...