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Reviews for "Disgaea: Episode 4"


It's finally out! Good job. My Etna lines seemed pretty quiet though.

Great series.

Good graphics and sound throughout the whole series, a good consistant format too, I'[m glad you gave everybody voices in the end, instead of just the one character. Perhaps you could make better fight scene animes for the future? Anyway, good work, keep going with the series.

Well that was certainly interesting.

I thought this was a good submission but I expected it to be a little more serious. Though what the hell am I expecting from this website? I gave it a 9 in sound and an 8 in humor because I thought the crappy voice over was funny. Though I did think the characters at times looked a bit high on drugs.


i saw an episode of that with my dad... it was easily the funniest thing on the planet to date, i mean, are those guys actually taking everything seriously?!! hahaha!! the dubbing with the American accents left me in stiches it was so funny, ohhh... memories, haha!
anyways, to your movie - sort of like Broken Saints, the style in which it was made... except im very thankful that your episode wasnt 20 minutes long, and consisted of like a paragraph of text everytime someone wanted to say something.
so yeh, it was entertaining i thought. the graphics were great - lots of great backgrounds + pics of the characters.
the animation was sketchy, try to make more images next time so it seems like there's a bit more movment than what there currently is.
also, the audio was alright, but needed work. the voice acting was hard to hear at times, and i couldnt make out what was being said without the aid of the subtitles on many occasions. still, a very nice outcome on this piece of work. well done, dude (not dood). :D

I liked it alright, dood.

I've been lookin' for a Disgaea thing lately, dood. And you did it pretty well! I only got one, well, two things to complain about...
One, dood, the people's voices and their tones don't really match up with what they're sayin', dood! Laharl sounds real laid back and stuff when he should be all like, "Haaaaahahaha! I am the great King Laharl!" Y'know, dood?
Secondly, dood, that part with the book. It was funny, dood, but it prob'ly woulda been funnier if you had gone with a different angle for it. There are a bunch of theories on what's inside the book, dood, and one of them dipicts the book as some sort of proof of Overlordship or something, dood, only it doesn't have anything in it but..."pretty pictures." (Immature laughter) Other than that, loved it, dood! OH, one more thing, throw a Prinny, dood!!!! XP