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Reviews for "Halo: Funny Situations"

why bother man

So not funny. you must have wasted so much time doing good animation but you had the worst jokes ive ever heard. i mean come on! spend all that time drawing and the jokes are terrible. I would have liked it more without the jokes! they were so bad it made the flash so terrible. oh god.

watch red vs. blue instead

Sound sucks. violence sucks. As for humor, it blows. Watch red vs blue (rosterteeth), its funnier, sounds better, and uses the actual halo and halo 2 multiplayer engines.


The title says it all. Funny situations. Anyone can think of a funny situation. It takes real talent to work that funny situation into the dialogue and story so that it actually makes sense and is humorous. The part with the blue clock guy was very telling. You don't know what the fuck you're doing. Why don't you come up with the jokes and the storyboard before you start making the flash, then maybe the red guy would have something funny to do instead of just standing there for a while before predictably shooting the blue guy.

Sorry to spoil everyone's Halo love...

I'm sorry, but I found it very difficult to like this at all. I understand the problem of language, thats fine, but some things just aren't funny, like the over extended silences, or your rather humourless use of scenario. The warthog collector is a painful example of why this isn't a funny flash, "Can I have one?" (10 beat) "No" can't be that funny in French either. However, this isn't a personal attack, your skill with animation is fantastic, you've created some great looking stuff here but perhaps comedy isn't your thing. Keep up the good animation, but the humour needs a tune up.

1 For Effort 1 For IQ

Okay, first of all, I gave you a 1 For an HONEST ATTEMPT...well, honest attempt does not equal good. Seriously, what's up with du-tu-tu-du-tu? Is that supposed to be funny? Also, read your update, its not 8/5/2005 btw...oh yes, and you dont need to get all defensive just cause you're French. When you get fired, are you gonna say it was because you're French? When you get a bad grade, are you gonna say it was because you're French? When you get shot, are you gonna say it was because you're French? No. Because it's not because you're French. Face it. Make better humor and make it witty not stupid-funny..wait cross the funny make it witty not stupid.