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Reviews for "Canada vs america"

I feel sorry for Canada

Living at the Canadian boarder, I meet lots of travelers. The one Comment I hear from Canadians most is that they brag that they are "ALMOST AMERICANS"! How PITIFUL.... I Truely PITY CANADIANS. Here they are living so close to a world power... no, THE World Power, and they have nothing but hockey and Beer!
They deserve America's PITY, not insults!
America is used to being hated by third world CUNTS... I mean countries

You know nothing

I guess you never bothered checking....
less than half of Americans do own guns, crime is not as big as the movies show (what, you're hick enough to think "Boston Public" or "E.R." are some kind of typical city life???)
For the most part, Canadain cities has the same gang activity as America's smaller cities (being of comparable size)
Also, Canada's best and brightest LIVE IN AMERICA! (TOM GREEN, Micheal J Fox, Canada's best Nurses, Canada's best active hockey players!!! Smart Canadians know the American economy is better! Even StrawberryClock posts on an American web site for intelligent attention! Oh, and so do you!!!

You suck!

I stand for hope between the nations and all that good stuff.
I am American.
I for one do not think any nation is "the best nation on Earth."
why do we have to fight!
Both life styles have ups and downs.

It's very hard to take offense.

From a guy whose grasp of English leaves much to be desired. And equating owning a gun with criminal activity is comical. Guns don't change people, they're just steel, wood, and sometimes plastic. It doesn't have magical powers. I own 14 guns and I have yet to shoot someone.

Also, you can't be "rasist" (whatever the fuck that is) against a country. You could mean nationalistic but seeing as you write with the mastery of English that would make a retarded Third Grader look like Steinbeck, I will just have to wonder.

However, I should review the movie. Sound was horrible, animation was pathetic, and the message was really stupid. It's not so much I'm bothered by the message itself, I just think you made a very stupid flash. If it were made half-way decent, I'd probably chuckle.

One last thing, everyone who claims things like "amerika sux" should learn how to write. Your grammar is appalling and your insults to America fail.

So....I guess I should just say: AMERICA......FUCK YEAH!!!

If this was meant to be a joke, then you're less funny than a clown at a funeral. The animation is just sloppy and could've been done better by a blind person. If you want to make fun of someone, use quality. That's a tip from an American viewer, mind you.