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Reviews for "Apple Picking"

I'm a Apple God!!!!

Really, I wish you had some way of not letting people win doing tab+enter for an instant win. (Like I just did!!!!) Here is somethings your game would benefit from!!
1. Ways to prevent cheaters. (I know this might be impossible, but it would make it harder!!
2. Enimies. That would be a way to prevent cheating, like having birds that pick up the apples, or kids who eat them, or rival applepickers! (Could be multiplayer, hint, hint, hint!!!)
Good job, seeing as this is your first game!!! Keep up the good work!!!

Im an apple god! 49 apples

Good game..its quite unique and is actually somewhat entertaining even though it is simple looking! Good work


I love when the apples fall and the sound they make when they hit the ground. The graphics are simple and go well with the game although I think they could be a little more refined. Keep up the good work :)

Good, but

People can just use Tab+Enter to act as they are clicking it, and by doing that i got 80 without trying. If you want here's some script that could help you:

//put this on a movie clip
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if(Key.isDown(9)) { //9 being the ascii code for tab
_root.score -= 200; //score being the var name for your score box and 200 being the points to subtract

I hope i could help you with this, either way, its a good game. Keep it up.

Offers a good challenge and replay value. Not bad!

Well I have to say; despite its extremely simplistic style and (after a while) receptiveness, I liked this. I think I would say not bad at all!
First off, graphics. Nothing too complicated here. Obviously you could do better, the graphics look a little MS Painted and the graphics look too simply drawn, for example on the trees it looked like you had used pre-made shape tools in paint to draw the graphics, no interesting looks just circles and straight lines apart form the apples. Go wild! Don't be afraid to try and draw by hand in some places, give the grass lifes and blades of grass, draw the tree trunks withered and spooky, make the sky cloudy and make animated birds fly in the sky. The look of the flash really helps bring out the best in the flash, and so brings it to LIFE. I would recommend using realism in some places, create shadows from the trees and weather. Perhaps little cartoon worms could also appear in some of the apples for a bit of humour? Apart form that though, though the graphics are too simple they aren't bad either, and even if you don't improve or make a sequel, this style generally works for the flash in most parts.
Secondly, sound. I liked to see the use of a sound effect as apples hit the ground once you 'picked' them off the tree. The music was also good too, I felt it had a certain relevance to the game because it sounded almost like 'ticking' in some ways, very suitable for this game because the whole point of it is, is that your a race against time to get the apples off of the tree. However, I liked the apple sound effect but I think it would make more sense if there was a sound effect as you pick the apple off the tree, like a falling one. Vary sounds a bit like passing birds, anything like that. Small stuff that you include really helps develop the game, and prevents your action from becoming 'mute'. It’s the little things that you include that really gets noticed and helps make a big difference in the break or success of your flash. Whilst I liked the music, I really didn't feel it made the game intense enough, and I feel it should be because of the whole point of the game. Try to speed up the music as you become closer and closer to the end of the clock, create loud ticking noises in the final few seconds, you could also slow down the last seconds as if the game is going in 'slow motion' before you meet the deadline and lose. All this helps to build tension up on your game, and to more importantly make it more exciting and dramatic to play.
Finally, game-play. I'm very pleased to say this is the absolute highlight of the game, even if it is simplistic. Though this isn't the most original idea in the world it is on the NG, and I'm surprised why it hasn't been done on Newgrounds before because it has on other sites. I loved the race against time to pick all of the apples off the tree in the allotted time, it was quite a challenge! The clock moved very fast and this gave the game a dramatic and fast-paced feel to it, I also loved the way you had to give the apple one big click to pick it rather than just bashing a button endlessly, this boosts up the game's interactivity and really made me feel like I was CONRTOLLING the game - that is, if it doesn't sound too silly. This also gave the game a bit more logic and a puzzle feel to it. I could argue though that the game gets a little repetitive, and there is a considerable amount of 'button' bashing nearer the end of the game. This is why I suggest giving the game even more reply value. You could do this by introducing levels to the game, where on each level the apples are laid out differently and so on, and also penalty bonuses - the apples after a while begin to shake and eventually fall off, and you lose points when this happens.
Overall I don't think this is bad at all, and that if you're looking for a game with a challenge and good replay value; this is the right game for you. It’s hard and I like that! Well done :)

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