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Reviews for "Critter Killer 5"


the last time i commented 1 of your movies you said you daint understand what i wrote becouse half of it was in slang, but now im writing in formal english just for you lol, it was a good movie and kind of longer that the other critter killers but this one was kinda scary and wierd aswell lol :P

ps hope you can read it this time thx

Boojamon responds:

Sorry, I didn't understand a word you have typed.

Nah just kidding. Tehe. Thanks anyway. I hope you are liking the series so far... I just hope it doesn't gradually decline or anything evil. Still! LOL and all that!


LOL. At the first few moments I was like... "Rectangle... carrot. Rectangle sees carrot. Where the HELL is this going?"

Turned out to be much more than I originally thought. Love it when a piece does the unexpected. Great stuff.

Boojamon responds:

THAT was unexpected? Man, I really need you to come and see the others in the series.

Another triumph

Wow, that was unexpected! But it works so well. The animation and everything else was great. Is there a critter killer 6 for us to look foreward to?

Boojamon responds:

There IS a critter Killer six, but I'm afraid it will take longer to come out. Maybe some time in June? I mean...maybe before then but I have coursework and exams this year needing working on....so...we'll see.

But I will definately get round to it. Eventually.


nice ben =)


Boojamon responds:


Not bad.

I didnt really enjoy this too much, mainly because of the lack of backround music. This kinda made the flash boreing for me....because with the lack of music, I find that my mind wanders. However, the animation was great. It's nice to see a change from the anime style, strick style, and madness style here. The sound that was featured was so so, and I found the humor to be cartoonish in a good way. Ah, good old bugs bunny.....

I encourage you to continue submitting to the portal, and I comment you for your effort. You deserve the slot in the weekly 20, and I would love to see more work from you.

Boojamon responds:

I have a slot in the weekly twenty? Or I should have? Either way- it should be worth checking it out, don't you think?

Anywho, thanks for the comments on sound- I made them all, believe it or not! Which explains why there weren't that many- it's quite hard to make atmospheric sounds without any atmosphere.

Oh, and I have to check out that 'strick style'...never heard of that one before...

Thanks for the review! Keep 'em coming!