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Reviews for "Groundhog Hunting"

i love to kill the groundhogs!

those hogs desirved it they fliped me off the jackasses!


Kill dem groundhogs, Very fun game, fun as hell.

they got what was comin to em

bout time to

Shooting little rodents should be more satisfying

I have to say I'm a little disappointed :(. The actual concept of this game is original and with some improvement this could go a lot further. However, it needs it's fair share of improvement because you really need to turn this original idea of hunting groundhogs into the fun game that it should be....
First off, graphics. In all honesty pretty bad because I sense a little lack of effort put into how the game looks. The graphics of the game shouldn't be too important if the game-play is really good (I'll get to that later) but I'm afraid to say this flash needs to give itself extra credit by looking more beefed-up. The game actually feels a little cheap because of it and the graphics look very simple and kind of childish. It looks way to MS Painted which won't really give the game much credit, since the lazy photo-graph cut-outs of the groundhogs clash tremendously with the MS Paint looks of the game. Obviously I suggest that you boost up the looks of the graphics a bit, the game needs to be enjoyable both to the mind and the eye. I suggest you use a more realistic style and obviously draw your own groundhogs rather than just using ugly pictures. Go wild! Make the groundhogs have over-exaggerated large teeth and small heads to look funny if you wish to do so, provide us with a more detailed environment. With things like trees, tree trunks and plants and bushes you'll really empathise on that humorous farmer feel!
Next, sound. Fortunately much better than the graphics and there's not so much to improve here. I love the spitting and farmer feel to it, the accent is very accurate and it really sets us in the mood for hunting ground hogs! The comment on how sissy you are if you choose 'easy' mode is pretty funny also. I just suggest that if you make a sequel you make sure the voices are a little clear, at times the voice was too close to a microscope and muffled a little. I also don't really like that pathetic sequel a groundhog makes when it 'dies', you should really go for a more agonising shrill shriek so it's more the satisfying to shoot down those little rodents, and how about you make the music a little more fast-paced and even farmer-like? Oh and how about when you kill a groundhog your character makes a triumphant comment, or curses when you miss a groundhog?
Finally, game-play. This is where the game both shines and needs improvement. I like the arcade style of this, who wouldn't? I mean shooting down little animals out of holes is always fun and satisfying because you probably wouldn't do it in real life. However, whilst it's fun in some parts it's also un-original because it's been done before, which is why I suggest you crank up the action a little. It's unlikely that more of this type of game won’t be made in the next few months so you are really required to make your own original style of this so it stands out above the rest. For example, give the game fast-paced action and a timer to accompany this, the game-play and groundhogs move faster the closer you get to the end of your time. This would set a good 'time trial' feel because you could set challenges and levels to shoot at least so many ground hogs in a certain amount of time. A music selection button wouldn't hurt either because you can choose your own style - either slow and mellow or l0oud and crazy. Lastly in this aspect, gore is an element of the game that I feel is worthwhile advancing on. I was very disappointed with the way the groundhogs die - their eyes flash black and some yellow liquid (is it urine? If it is, please change it) spurts out of them. Extremely un-satisfying. It's a lot less fun if you know you are killing wussy creatures. An excellent idea would be to enable the player to target wherever they want on the hog so they can shoot of a limb if they want - just think, deaths would depend on where you shoot them!
Overall an average game but definitely one that needs improvement.. I hope you found my suggestions helpful, and well done :)

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not bad... or good. the game was fun for a minute or two, but got repetitive and boring after that. a bigger challenge would also be good for this game here.