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Reviews for "[GW] Just Dream [GW]"


Your music has grown alot. Do you have nexus or vanguard? Sounds alot more pro than your others. Great job!
I made a rave =3
Check it out if you want =D

gamerworld14 responds:

I have neither, just FL Studio 8.

Thanks BTW, it means a lot! :D


Damn good job

This is your second song that i listened to ( first was Dust of Destiny ), and i can already tell you're god damn talented.
This one reminds of some Vertrix 2 ( a prehistoric puzzle game xD ) songs, and mind you, that's a VERY good thing.

I'm sorry, but i really can't think of any good feedback here, the whole song is just that awesome that i can't make up my mind what liked the most.
Just know that i'll be checking out the rest of your creations.

No doubt here, a 10 is the only right rating i can give ( and i would gladly rate it higher if i had the choice ), keep on the good work =)


I really like this song...A LOT! Just so you know anyways. Btw, there is slight clipping in areas. Lower your fader like [ ] much and it should be fine.

I like the new instrument that kicks in around 1:12. It has a very nice and yet weird quality to it. It really mixes well with the piano as well.

Ther percussion at 1:38 is FUCKING AWESOME! Although, I think you could do slightly more with the kick, and maybe one or two other drums there. Maybe some light congas there? Perhaps? Maybe not, but it might be an idea anyways.

I really love that new instrument you added. It mixes well with the electric piano near the end as well. So it really fits the entire song nicely. And I love how it ends with the percussion clicks. Very nice there man. Very nice indeed.

This is definitely an improvement over the first cut. The one thing I'm not sure on is the bass. I'm not sure I heard any bass at all in the piece except in the beginning. I really think it would benefit from some very light, airy bass. Something where you mess around with the EQ and add some massive reverb to it. But then again, this is just subjective. So take it or leave it as you will.

I love the hits at 1:36 man. I'm listening to this a second time through, and they are so full sounding. Really man, you should use those in other areas throughout the song.

Overall though, this is really good. 5/5 and 9/10 overall. Very nice work here man. Very nice work indeed.


P.S. - Please just call me Gravey btw. :-P I only added a "1" at the end of my name because "Gravey" was already taken. And I'm flattered that you thought my ideas were so helpful from the first cut of this. :-)

gamerworld14 responds:

Wow. Thank you so much! I really appreciate the review, and I will consider your review in the next version of this song. (You convinced me to do another version) :D

I am not completely sure where the bass was in my song, what time frame were you referring to? (PM me)

I will call you Gravey from now on ;)


It was pretty darn good. I loved the bells, they really made the ambiance feel good. I liked the effects in the middle with the bass. It felt really right in the piece. The only thing that needs improvement was the ending, as the reviewer below stated. It was a bit dissapointing in contrast to the rest of the song, but in general, the song sounded great. Nice job.

gamerworld14 responds:

Well thank you very much, I kinda rushed the ending because I was anxious to post it to Newgrounds... lol. I will try harder for my future song endings ;)

Thanks for the comment :D


good work

I am the guy who really enjoyed your Dust of Destiny song, the guy who works on Photoshop, y'know??

Well, you told me to listen to this song, and I liked it. However some things were a little harsh on the overall mood near the beginning, but everything else made up for it. Good job, and I like it. at 1:38, those are really cool. And then adding on the beginning parts really just made it great. So, wooohoooo


gamerworld14 responds:

Well thank you so much for the second review, I really appreciate the criticism on the song, so I know what listeners want to hear ;) I am glad you liked 1:38, I really like how that part turned out ;)

Thanks again for commenting, I am trying to work on some songs and hopefully there will be some new ones out soon from me :D
