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Reviews for "Critter Killer 2"


dude i loved that... hahah, great little concept i thought!
the graphics were really good, but i would have liked to have seen a background in there instead of just a white screen :S
the animation was really nice, and the burning candle looked really good! also, the audio was great. very nice sound effects all through the movie.
put em together, add an extremely funny ending, and wala. you got this! haha. nice work man, i really liked it.

Boojamon responds:

Wow. Thanks. If I haven't said this once (which I haven't) I have said it a thousand times. A-BACKGROUND-WILL-NOT-WORK.

It distracts from the centre of action.

Have you seen the first one?

Not bad...

Good animation and concept... a little short, kinda pointless, but it's all good.

Boojamon responds:

Everything I do is pointless- but not this. This is completely unpointless... well... I say pointless... not carrotless... Mouhahahhaha.

I really need a new sense of humour.


Unexpected... but funny!

Boojamon responds:

I'm always one step ahead of myself.

Much better

This one's a lot better than the first one. It really made me laugh!

Boojamon responds:

Hehe- that's the general opinion


lol @ the twist

Boojamon responds:

Twist @ the lol

(^ - ^)