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Reviews for "Two Year Anniversary"


...it wasn't a lie. A lie is when you know something is untrue. Also, the Democrats (including Kerry) are quoted as saying that Iraq poses a threat and that they possess WMDs. And it's not too unbelievable to think Iraq was trying to get a nuke (which you emphasized). Israel had to destroy a reactor in Iraq because they were going to weaponize nuclear material.

And you all seem to be unaware that Saddam tried to assassinate George HW Bush and ALSO harbored terrorists who killed Americans (this is a verifiable fact, and makes him accessory to murder, which makes him as guilty as the terrorist). He also put a $20,000 bounty per American, an offer made to all Arabs.

And don't do the whole "blood for oil" thing. Doesn't work. If we were there for oil we woulda stopped on the first day (when we captured the oil fields) and gas would be .20 a gallon.


Why the fuck are people voting this high? Just because it's anti-war? All you did was tween some text.

try again


If I wanted to know that, I would have watched CNN. I wanted to see a nearly mentally retarted flash film about something that doesn't matter. Instead your cramming facts on how your government is wrong down my throat. You suck. AFI is a good band :). Bush is an idiot, but he's still better than Kerry, and some communist.


A lie.... Wow don't you love it when you go to school or work and get the wrong directions and lose a limb? A propaganda video based on movies and the news not on facts. Yes people die. People die for the causes they belive in. You are lucky to have the right to say they died for a lie. I have friends over there right now fighting to breing freedom to people that don't have it. The very freedom you have to make this video. Yes it's 2 years coming soon, so fucking what. Everthing comes from something, from death comes life and from war comes freedom.


I'm not rating this movie on its message, but rather the fact that its just words. I don't really see how you can call this an animation. I have two cousins over there right now, and I see your point, however next time try some creativity with GRAPHICS.