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Reviews for "Two Year Anniversary"

I feel like i just read a book


Every since they changed their name to A Fire Inside, they turned to crap, there's bands that a great political bands and then theirs bands that should have stuck with the pointless songs that kicked ass.

You should have used

Antomy of war. or somthing like that.

plus i couldn't really call this a music video, try to include pictures unseeen video's clips of abuse and such.

and fuck goerge bush, that dumass he bombed a city for absolutly no reason, if the taleban want to blow themselfs up over some religion then leave them be. don't go and blow up there city's find the terrorist. goes to show how dum our pressident is.


Every video of yours is all right!!!!!!!! Listen to this guy.


...it wasn't a lie. A lie is when you know something is untrue. Also, the Democrats (including Kerry) are quoted as saying that Iraq poses a threat and that they possess WMDs. And it's not too unbelievable to think Iraq was trying to get a nuke (which you emphasized). Israel had to destroy a reactor in Iraq because they were going to weaponize nuclear material.

And you all seem to be unaware that Saddam tried to assassinate George HW Bush and ALSO harbored terrorists who killed Americans (this is a verifiable fact, and makes him accessory to murder, which makes him as guilty as the terrorist). He also put a $20,000 bounty per American, an offer made to all Arabs.

And don't do the whole "blood for oil" thing. Doesn't work. If we were there for oil we woulda stopped on the first day (when we captured the oil fields) and gas would be .20 a gallon.


HEY put this flash in newgrounds wouldn't stop anything.
THis is boring and one thing.
NOt only the iraqis create this war......
the americans too

You know what, STFU!!

Not everyone here is from America. Nothing going to get done if you show it to newgrounds. I may not like the war but I ain't going to say he a satanist. John Kerry would have done the same thing you bushflash wanker.