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Reviews for "Jet Force Gemini : LS"


i would like to say i am amazed at that. i felt your graphics were very good and i liked your story. you used good lighting and nice seens giving it a cool feel. The flash also gave a feeling of honner to the watcher as he killed the enemy in an honerly way showing whos boss. i feel you have made suh a gd flash. i think there is small details which many could be inproved but over all i feel the time you spent on it was worth it and good luck to you on your other flashes i hope to see more

good stuff

wow this was pretty good. i didn't really see any flaws cept for the walking which i understand can be some hard animation. anyway this was mad good don't stop making flashs.

Bigfoot3290 responds:

thanks bro :)

Jet Force Gemini Kicks Superb Ass

This flash brought back memories of the good old days, i have to go play jet force now, keep up the good work. :)

the graphics need work but...

overall a good flash. the ants need to be blue and spray green blood or rainbow lol. the tribals where to tall they need to be shorter and where is lupis. sledge needs to look beter and the ants need guns. but it was a good flash good job!


Oddly enough, this is like the only JFG movie on Newgrounds. Definitely needs more love....

Any plans on continuing?