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Reviews for "The World of Abbreviation"

A good effort, but originality is needed

Before I anger all the naysayers, let me clear up some things. First off, this piece had some good qualities--namely the slick animation, and the crisp audio. Very good on that, some if the better A/V work I've seen on newgrounds for sure, demonstrating a surefire mastery of flash. However, I wanted to laugh at this piece more than I did, because at first, I was enjoying it. But then, something hit me. This little satire routine with abbreviations had sadly been done years back on SNL w/ Farley and Spade. This fact alone didn't make this submission less funny; it was the fact that nothing new was brought to the table. And another thing which contributed to the '6' rating was the abbrv. bunny. It gets old when you have an annoying character that can be beat on for comic relief and audience empathy. And to boot, I have rabbits as pets, so sorry for the bias on that (but I don't really have to apologize, do I?) The main thing--develop better ideas and the flashes of yours in the future will be funnier and fresher. And one last thing---could people here take the time to use proper grammar and spelling in their reviews? Not to piss anyone off, but it does help, namely if you need to trash anyone who talks smack about you on the boards. It's very fun.

Well it's a very cute bunny

But , man it's booring
still the bunny criyng part is cute X_X


Yeah it was worth it to see a cryin bunny XD
Btw, I wanna see that lil Bunny int he next BunnyKill cartoon *Evil laugh*


I just wish you would add captions. I got confused with all the abbreviations. Did that guy take the paper and yell. "L.M.N.O.P?"

i don't really get it

umm ok it was good anime but i just don't get it