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Reviews for "Piconjo fan art 3"

OMG <3

Meh arteh was in there!!! This was truly a masterpiece <5

<3 HighWasabi

omgroflwtflol12 responds:

ogm i shuld co-author joo


LOL good job PJ, but the person before me is right .. not enough pix! =p

omgroflwtflol12 responds:

I need to get more i knows.... :(

to all u vader haters out there well blow yoplanet

Thanks for voting, gundrake!
Your experience points gave you a voting power of 5.00 votes. Your blam and protection points gave you an additional 0% of your experience power, meaning that your total vote power was worth 5.00 votes!

The more experience points you have combined with BLAM and PROTECTION points, the more your vote is worth!

You gave this entry a 5, raising its score to 2.09!

omgroflwtflol12 responds:

ogm thank joo gundrake :)

we need more LegendaryFrog haters

But we also need films that make fun of the legendaryfrog fans. I think i hate them more than joseph himself. For example i read some reviews of one ring to rule them all 3: "shrinky dinks, EVIL SHRINKY DINKS. hehe that was so funny" .
HOW IN THE WORLD can anyone think thats funny. Plz make a film where they be slaughtered. I <3 piconjo

Not really the goofy webspeaking type.. but

Hey Piconjo, big fan.


I normally dont give absurd scores but since its you, I'll make an exception.

Piconjo = pwn.

Overall - 9
Rated - 5/5

*cough* I know the scores doesnt equal a nine but between me and you.. long live piconjo

omgroflwtflol12 responds:

Omg thank joo for <3ing me :-)
