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Reviews for "Super tutorial v.1.1"

Not bad.

The way you set out this tutorial was very good. You have covered quite a few areas too. I think people who have no experience of flash at all will find it hard to use this tutorial. In the ''complicated move with arrows'' all you basically say is ''paste this code in to the layer'' I know you say that this tutorial advanced class but you could add a bit more detail.
I thought that the sprite tuorial was pretty good. I know alot of people have problems with making sprite movies and wonder how the hell they transfer them. In the ''how do I use sprites'' tutorial it would have been nice to show people how you made the little fire ball circle around the screen.
It's nice to see that you have added a area where you will update the tutorials, the section I'm talking about is the misc section. Lets hope you stick to the work.
Thats about it really. O the music! It really got annoying after a while, I couldn't find an option to turn it off. Either add this option in or add a few different tracks.

Overall it's a good tutorial. Well done.


I don't really care about tutorials but I'm sure it would help out someone who does...

*Pulls hair out*

You get a shitty score, just because of that horrible music.


Bäste Primat.

Musiken ska man inte klaga på. Men hur kan du kalla det en tutorial om man inte lär sig något? Som det här med masken t.ex. Hur gör man en mask? Det skulle vissa kanske vilja veta.

Tänk på det nästa gång.

it's ok...

but there are better tutorials out there...