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Reviews for "Xenorgeiz:: Codename ILL"

Good start!

So, by the looks of it, this is your first submission? If that is the case, all i can say is wow and why arn't people more like you. I hate it when people create something and know its crap but submit it anyways. I nyour case, you kept at it until you came out with something worth while. This was awesome.

In the beginning, I couldn't read the text during the loading process. It was too small, so do something about that for the full movie.

It started off a little sketchy, i was confused a little. Hwoever, the graphics were sweet in the beginning. The first kill was awesome and your smoke was pretty realistic (if it was cold out). I like how it was an introduction to an actual film (in which i am awaiting ^_^).

Some of the graphics were amazing, while other weren't up to par. I liked the second kill when the guy juts back by the force of the bullet, that was an impeccable scene, but when the girl places her hand against the window, the hand is all deformed. Little things like that. Some places were impeccable, while other were mediochre.

The movement was pretty good, i had to put it on medium, but i have a shit computer so i can't hold it against you. Otherwise it ran well, it wasn't the smoothest transitioning (i don't mean my comp speed), but that can only be approved upon with time and practice.

The audio set a good tempo. The song kind of gave a sad aura and i expect alot of drama and alot of action when the full thing is released. So this was a good intro do create hype.

I couldn't say alot about the originality and storyline, because this was just an introduction. However, from what i did see, it seemed cliche: 'Fighting for one's love', but i could be wrong. And not that is a bad thing, just not an original one. You could end up proving me wrong, or i could be right and you could throw i nsome cool twists to up that part of my breakdown.

Overall, you have a talent. It is obvious. I just hope for a longer, my storyline based first movie. I am defiently looking out for it as should others. With time and practice, i think by your third or fourth submission, you could very well make top 50.

Hope you take my praise and critisizm kindly and improve upon this one with your next. I feel a 9 or 10 coming on. ^_^

Good luck to you and here is my breakdown:

NG Critic Rating
Introduction: 8.1
Impression: 7.9
Style(Graphics): 8.9
Movement: 7.9
Audio: 8.2
Violance: 8.2
Originality: 7.8
Storyline: 7.2
Personal Enjoyment: 7.9

Overall: 8.1
Rating: 4

K. Myst Williams

Nicely done

Your animation is incredible and your drawings are well done. It was a very inpressive animation but did you have to release the preveiw. coulden't you have just released the thing once it was finished.

Pretty cool

Animations and graphics were really cool and smooth, but the style was just this anime thing, nothing so original.. great animations story did not really come out from this trailer, but it doesnt really matter. The music was a bit annoying, but okay..

Hope you get this complete..

holy craaaaappp.

that was some good stuff. i hope to see more soon! haha. the graphics were superb, and all of the characters looked very realistic. the backgrounds were also quite detailed. but my favourite thing about this movie was the animation... DANG it was smooth. all of the gun wounds looked really good, and pretty much all of the animation was excellent. keep up the great work!

Only 2 weeks?

Holy crap. If I made this thing, it would've took me 2 YEARS to complete. Amazing.

I was totally blown away by this flash. Every aspect of it was great, or if it wasn't great, highly decent. The visuals, fluid motion, sound... simply wow. Now, I'm not saying that everything was perfect, and there were some poorly drawn parts and choppy motion. However, I stress the words "poorly" and "choppy." The mistakes this flash has is nothing compared to many of the inferior flash movies on Newgrounds.

If this is the sort of things you will be delivering, you have yourself a new fan.

Two thumbs up, and keep up the great work.