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Reviews for "(PM) - 2050"

Cool Songs

Hey PackerMan I Love All Your Songs. YOU ROCK BRO!!!!!


This song is awesome i showed this to my family and they were like dang this guy has more than talent question what song to you think (you made) is the best.

Parkerman1700 responds:

Thanks for the compliment man!
I'm actually not sure what my best song is, I think I've gotten better as time has gone on, so probably my most recent songs are my best.

Thanks for the review!

I feel like I'm in the future

And the robots have taken over, but that is totally and completely ok with me.

Too bad we will all die in 2012 anyway

Cool, really original, love the sort of way you mix a kind of classical feeling to it, almost if Bach was there helping you out a little. Anyway, my only complaint is repitition, when you look at the whole picture of things, you really only hear one melody repeating over and over again, I more prefer the melodies that are more on a tangent of sections, that seamlessly goes from one idea to the next without pause. Still though, I am not going to bomb you just because it repeats. Nice Workd! Peace,

Parkerman1700 responds:

Thanks man, I appreciate your thoughtful reviews, they give me a real insight to what people think of my songs.


@ pessimistowl

quote of the month: "you suck, go die" @ pessimist owl.
muzak were gr8, the beginning kinda stunk tho.