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Reviews for "Flying High - Epilogue"

Crazy stuff

Not my style, but this isn't time for subjectivity.

I heard some clipping on the loud parts. The easiest way to fix this is with a limiter on the main channel. Good job, though.

I've never heard the original so I don't have much to go on, but this is still really good. However, the drums seemed a bit crazy. It feels like they're kinda disorganized. Also, the song kinda dragged on. It didn't change up too much, but then again, maybe I'm just not very insightful ;)

Hope that helps.

Cosmos8942 responds:

Yes, this I know, I really should mess around with the mastering a little bit more. But meh, don't know if I really want to as I have moved on to other stuff already. I know the drums were a bit crazy. But you try making that many drums and not make it sound hectic once in a while! T_T

Its fuxin crazy like some random thing in your closet...or something.

Thanks for the review. I noticed the same issues but only after I uploaded the piece. I do not think I will go back though. I will simply leave it as is. Good enough anywho.

This has great potential

But the big thing here is that the track needs a better mastering job I think. It'd improve clarity by a LOT which is what the track really needs, the instruments are kind of blending into each other way too much. If you'd like some help with that I'd be glad to assist. Voted 4 cause I round up.

Cosmos8942 responds:

Oh I know this one has great potential...but the original file (and its branch files) have disappeared into the wind. Its a bit of a bother...I would love to go back and master this piece as I wasn't finished with it in the first place but without the master track (and all thereof) it'd be too difficult to recreate and thus remaster (etc) everything. So I think I'll just leave it as is...if anybody would like to do something with this feel free but I'm not expecting much x.x.

Thanks for the review, its always nice to get a new one now and then.


Look at this: http://www.blackspherestudios.com/sub mission.php5?ID=359

That'll help you out on fixing the massive clipping issues on the drums. The piano sample sounds pretty bad too, so I'd suggest either 1. getting a new sample or 2. EQing and putting reverb on the existing one. The strings in this song actually sound very good. It's weird hearing a cringe-worthy piano sample playing along with those wonderful strings in the background.

Outside of the technical details, I love the actual motif playing in this song. It really feels like an ending theme. Unfortunately, the variations you put in (such as 3:20) feel random and out of place. The one at 3:20 actually sounds off key. The melody in general in many places could use a little work, since it sounds kind of like a really good idea that you didn't quite know how to expand on. I'm sorely tempted to do a re-interpretation of this myself.

5:25 was a very nice key change, but the ending would be vastly improved not by a better sample, but simply by echoes and reverb (and of course, some EQ, but the whole song needs that). Either way, very good idea, fair execution, needs some work, so a 7/10


Cosmos8942 responds:

The EQing I completely agree on actually. I realized that there was some horrible clipping going on and I still submitted it originally just to see what people thought. Alas though I've never finished it and likely never will to tell the truth (maybe I'll make up with that by making something that sounds just as epic XD). Oh shutup about the piano sample rofl. I actually have much better now and I'd hit you with that if I thought you weren't right about it :3. Yes the piano sample isn't the greatest and yes I could've done better but I had no choice with this one and my sample I had used originally kept fking with the program I was using. So then I had to downgrade and this is what I got. Its one of the biggest reasons I decided to post this, mostly because I was trying to figure out wtf to do lol. Ah well, whats done is done in this case.

Ugh now I'm just not in the mood to be replying to all of these. Um...hum...yes the song itself is a very good one overall. I simply made it more dramatic with the added percussion and background instruments. It wasn't a easy one to bring about but I think I did a fairly good job overall. Minus, like you said, EQing/mastering/all that other stuff.

Speaking of places that "you couldn't expand on" you should really get all those ideas agoing. Many of them sound like they could be wonderful little shots in the dark. ENOUGH ABOUT YOU XD.

Overall I understand what you are saying and I have already begun to be much more careful with the pieces that I work on now (this was actually done before my Dr. Mario piece). So I guess I'll just have to work a little harder next time and not give in to the constant threat of boredom.


Either way thanks for the review. I find this one fairly insightful overall and I'll be sure to attempt some of the things that you have stated here in the future. Thanks again.