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Reviews for "Zelda: Tales of Legend"

Good God, not another Zelda parody...

There have already been a ton of Zelda parodies. NewGrounds needs something different. If you are going to do a Zelda series, do it DIFFERENT... something UNEXPECTED, something AVANT-GARDE even. Don't do what everybody else does and just change the plot.
Besides that, everything looked okay. BTW, a 5 on the score is an "OK" by my standards. It's nothing special, but nothing immensely sucky either.

PyroWizard responds:

Thanks for being honest.

I realize there are a lot of Zelda sprite movies out there... however, as I've stated, almost all of them are parodies and entirely comedy-based. I've tried to take it into a new level by attempting to fabricate a serious, dramatic plot... which is somewhat original in itself.

Sorry if the movie was bit of a disappointment. I hope you find the sequels more compelling then this one!

Your crazy

Man wtf. That was awesome! Now...i didnt like the plot too much, didnt find it too interesting...but it was a first episode so we'll see what developes. Either way it was just increadible how you presented that. Very nice, I can tell already this is going to be one of the best sprite series out there.

PyroWizard responds:

I must say, you're review is quite interesting! First you start off by saying I'm crazy, and you continously jump from being complimentary to suddenly being critical. XD

For what its worth, thanks for the review. :)

I liked it a lot.

GJ pyro i only have one thing to say get more music it got annoying BUT it was good you gradually made it silent.
Gj cant wait for 2 and the rest.

PyroWizard responds:

Sorry if the music got on your nerves a bit... loops can do that.

Thanks for the review. :)

Now this looks like it could be worthwhile...

Not been much in the way of Zelda flash recently. Must have taken a while to do all the camera panning and such. I felt that it was used a bit too much though. Some of the music got on my nerves after a while too. The remixes weren't bad though. The 0 in Humour... well, it's not meant to be a humourous flash, so that's why.

I'll keep an eye out for this series.

PyroWizard responds:

Perhaps I did overdo the various "camera effects"... I've had mixed responses on them, some people saying they like it, some people saying they don't. I guess I should cut down on the pans/zooms a bit in the next one.

Thanks for the review.

Definitely new...

I liked how you used pieces from RPG Maker, that whole bloody dream thing was messed up! But, overall, it was a good movie, and I look forward to seeing more out of the series.

PyroWizard responds:

Indeed. I had to borrow some of the spell sprites from external sources, as the original game was more sword-clashing-based then magic-based.

What's wrong with the dream though? I thought that was actually the best part of the movie! XD

Oh well. Thanks for the review. :)