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Reviews for "PsychoPlo Din Tei"

((( HAHA COOL )))

Notbad this was cool and somewhat funny at the sametime, it was hard to understand what was being said or in this cas singing, but still funny crazy stuff, nice work hehe...



Couple questions for you. Who sings that and what language is it in? But anyway, great flash make and I agree with the last guy about how you moved around. I think it was good.


This was a great video and the sound was very good. Nice lip-singing too with great movements. You weren't standing there still like you were afraid or something. I also like how you didn't stay in one place and how you moved to the outside and near traffic (that was hilarious, might I add). Some off the reviewers said that this stunk as bad as the original, it makes you wonder "If they hated it then why did they look at another video similar to it?"

But still, excellent job, I loved it.


dude I put a low graphics cause my computer sux ass(even though its an f-ing IMac) but that was awsome.cool video.

Numa Numa Ploqazxswm

My response to this psychotic video to WhoopA: HOLY *---, Plo posts on New Grounds?! This is friggen hilarious! lol, freakin' Plo ^_^