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Reviews for "ViraX-Mas"


yeah, fuck mc donalds. I dont love them as much as i love this toon, and everything that comes from Viraxo. LOVE YA GUYS! keep it going Q & G!


Very funny. This was good for a great laugh. I do get my share of shitty presents every now-and-then, but christmas is more about togetherness anyways. But this flash was good. Made me laugh real good. I hope to see more of your work soon.

Ho Ho Ho! Fuck these titles.

Kenny my good man, as always your genius shines bright and true. Graeme is a guitar legend. The Jesus-Santa conversation was wonderful. I love Jesus turning water to wine. All the expressions were dead-on. Your voices fit very well. Jesus vomiting. THIS NEEDS A BETTER SCORE.


I liked this submission a lot, even if you did use the jesus joke i was going to use in a future flash project (damn you). Keep up the excellent work.

Jesus and Santa buddy buddy?

Nive song at the beginning, and the rest wasn't bad at all. The animation was a little stiff, but otherwise it had a lot of funny (read:actually funny) jokes. Bet this makes it one the front page!