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Reviews for "Cool Things 398"


thats right kids. every time you matserbate god kills a kitten, and then fucks newgrounds with advertising... eventually killing it.......you wouldn't want to kill it ...would you?

Sir-CannabisClock responds:

no sir, no we do not. so many kittens lost every day... just because of newgrounds... for shame

nicely done

the graphics were pretty bad. the music was good, but the voice sounded a little strange probobly due to the microphone. you made some valid points, but illwillpress is actualy interesting to wach. a movie can have the best graphics and the world and be recognised for that. and a movie can make valid points and be recognised for that. illwill makes good points and has graphics that make it tolerable to watch. iv yet to not wach a quality movie because i was watching foamy instead. and for porn on ng, well its true but the easyest way to solve this is just to keep porn movies and dateing sims off the front page. we know where to find them after all.

Sir-CannabisClock responds:

true, though I would like to disagree with the graphic comment ; ;

The graphics and concepts were very good

Your history is, of course, flawed. When I first found Newgrounds, years ago, there was semi-porn. It was and is humorous. Get over yourself and take the tongue out of your cheek. I fivrd you. Death to the kittens. Hippoguy

Sir-CannabisClock responds:

:/, even so, theres much more now then ever..

Yeah, it's like that...

The movie definately has ADD. ;)

Sir-CannabisClock responds:

I oughta prescribe it some ritalyn ^^

This made me laugh. That's actually hard to do.

Thanks for voting, Helbereth!
Your experience points gave you a voting power of 3.60 votes. Your blam and protection points gave you an additional 4% of your experience power, meaning that your total vote power was worth 3.74 votes!

You gave this entry a 3, raising its score to 2.99!
If this movie is protected you will get a PROTECTION point!

Keep on rockin' in the free world.

Sir-CannabisClock responds:

thanks :D