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Reviews for "The Mad Scientist"

That asshole shmuck with the sword...

I reviewed a 6 not necessarily because I didn't notice how much effort you crammed into this ass-fest, but because I thought it was just plain stupid.

He killed the only kickass guy in the movie. The whole movie went downhill after he stole the manzanite. Right when I saw the poorly drawn outline of a guy waiting at the window, I knew he was going to dick up the whole movie...

and so this kickass mad scientist; the character in which this whole movie revolves around gets killed by an asshole nark with a sword. He isn't even cool. He's just some random dick (who's never said, or mentioned to be an authority) that busts out with a sword and kills the mad scientist at the end.. when the mad scientist takes the damn super-potion.

What a retarded potion anyway. A potion that isn't even worth dying to some ass who uses a weapon to fight and wastes his nights watching a fucking statue via his window. All the stupid thing does it make you strong.. and still vulnerable to sharp objects.

Right when I think the damn scientist is going to mutate via his awesome, partially stolen, radioactive potion into a mutant koala-fish-mutant-bird, it does the stupidest thing. It makes him strong.. yes strong. With no superhuman powers at all... It just makes him strong. What the hell? No koala-fish-mutant-bird terrorizing the suberbs that he lives in? The loser-weak shmuck with the sword defeats the somewhat awesome scientist with the useless potion?

Lame.. Just lame. You should have put a little bit more thought into the ending, the whole mutation process, and the stupidass "savior" that's supposed to be extricating the day.. and what's going to be his story?

"Oh, he was like, '"Har har! I am stronger than you"' so then I was like, '"Yeah right!"' and I killed him with a sword because I'm too weak to face him without means of a battle-tool."

Good job, aside from the shitty story.

Afro-Ninja responds:

haha, that gave me a laugh. But really though, I'm not a huge ass production company getting paid to do this shit. If I get to making part 2 you wont be dissapointed

"I'm too sexy" would have also worked for a song

I don't get it. The guy looks out his front window and sees another guy running down the street, and decides to kill him?

And it also appeared that all the scientist invinted was a steroid. I would rename the movie, 'Grumpy copycat' But I still enjoyed it.

Afro-Ninja responds:

Yeah, right said fred would worked perfectly. Good one :\

Can you say "Anticlimatic"?

Nice job on the animation, and the music was alright, but where does that random guy get off goin after the mad scientist? Was he the guy that built the statue thingie or what?
Yeah and the whole thing built up to a pretty boring finale. Not even amusingly anticlimatic. Random guy with random sword from above fireplace apparently trumps a Mad Scientist with decades of education and experimentation.
Good production just work on your story to make something great.

Afro-Ninja responds:

Man, I must have missed the part that explains the Mad Scientist's educational background and experimentation history. Care to point it out to me?


You there! The guy before me! You give it a 0??? It's not worth 0... Go get sodomized by a red-hot fire-poker... Might do ya some good.

made me remember stuff

poor scientist. went thru all that trouble for nothing.

that last part made me think of the anime fist of the north star, where this giant with a whole buttload of whips gets sliced up by some dude with his nails, after he showed off his strength

Afro-Ninja responds:

It wasn't for nothing :)