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Reviews for "Holocaust"

Mein Gott!

This is a powerfull movie, and i'm glad someone was touched enough by 'Schindler's list' to make this. So many people are ignorent of what happened to the Jews in WWII and it's good to see you bringing this all to light. This actually brought a few tears to my eyes.

Bravo! I hope you make more historical flash films in the future.

Patchco responds:

lol, thanks, and I will

1 minute

I can't help thinking after watching that: that's one minute of my life I will never get back. I too was forced to sit through Schindler's list in school. However, unlike you, I thought it was just another pathetic Spielberg film. And now you have forced me to sit through what is basically the same thing but shorter and without Ralph Fiennes (the only highlight in the original). At leat you didn't include the girl in red, if you had have done, then I would have undoubtably shot myself. You are great at flash, but you need something great to make.

Patchco responds:

Thanks.... But, how could you not like Schindler's list? Are you one of the people that think it's not a true story?


I nearly put the same thing about historical accuracy as ano_45.
One thing I find interesting

"Today, there would have to be thousands of trials for the war in Korea, Vietnam, Algeria, and Truman would have been condemned for dropping the bombs on Hiroshima and Nagisaki."

Heh heh, I'm working on a flash right now about Japan getting back at the US taking down the whole world with it 3000 years in the future.
Before going too off topic...
Graphics--stickfigures can't expect a good score
style--not original
sound--just music
violence--stick figure killed by gun, and a nondescript burning pile interactivity--none whatsoever
humor--If this is funny to someone they need help
overall--2 for getting the message across, somewhat

what is this?

Its nice that you took the message of schindlers list but im afraid sitck men dont really get the cruelty across. Its nice how everyone ignores all the other people that died in the camps, it wasnt just jews and its been proven it wasnt 6 million, anywho nice try just next time try not to use stickmen and get a broad view of the thing. Nazis killed jews because it was good propaganda for them and it helped them conquer europe, and the nazi soldiers were forced to do what they did they had there families to think of so people should really stop potraying them as theese big hating letsgoaroundandkilleveryone people, I am sure if there families lives werent at risk from secret police half of them wouldnt have done squat to help hitler.

Messed up

Sorry, I know you had good intentions but you should have either used real people instead of sticks or not submit this. It looked like a parody.