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Reviews for "Fallujah"

It's a slide show...

As horrific and wonderful as the images therin are, and as important the message is... It's just a slide show (though a well made one)... What else can I say? 2/5

Not quite...

No one likes to be at war. Since my husband was deployed, I know what's involved...the uncertaintly, the being alone for months at a time, the fear of him never coming home. Death and fear aren't the only things involved in proteting our country. It's sad that you don't seem to understand that; to share such a huge sense of pride in our country. You seem to be a bit condescending in showing that people have died; we all know that. What you should show is insurgents hiding in and killing from the mosques, them killing their own children, and let's not forget the people who have been beheaded. Not to mention the 7 year old who wouldn't hesistate to pick up a gun and kill anyone. I think you need to get the whole picture before you speak for our guys and gals over there.

andyhappy responds:

I am really really sorry that your husband is over there and I hope he is ok! I am in no way dissing our troops. All I am trying to say with this animation is that it drives me crazy that we don't get the real story about what is going on over there on the news. Why we are even there. When it is going to end. When are our brave soldiers like your husband going to come home.

I also wanted to make the statement that being against war is a moral issue that I think a lot of people voted for but was lost in the main stream media.

Peace, and I am truly sorry if this animation offended you.

Ignorance of History is No Excuse

This minifilm was terribly MILD. I was waiting to be, like, knocked off my feet with gruesome and horrible images straight from the war front.

But I'm a military historian by preference. I like to know all I can about war --- not just its effects, but its causes. And while the author ignores the causes in order to shock us with the effects, they are nothing compared to the horrors wrought by any single bomber raid on Cologne, circa 1943.

We who study and remember history know that the opponents of US involvement in Iraq are working overtime to make mountains out of molehills. In fact, this is the least bloody, least damaging, and fastest war of its scale in human history.

I would also note that all of the bloodshed in Fallujah could have been avoided but for the simple fact that the terrorists made their bases there, including several film sites of beheadings. Make a pact with the devil, and you get burnt.


Got no stomach for morality. Sissy flash.

war is ugly no matter which side you're on

war is ugly no matter which side you're on, but better to stop the violent religous murders there than let them come to our countries again.