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Reviews for "blood moon ep1"


I'd give it an 8.75 but I can't =P

For a first submission this is truly amazing, and your humility about it it very charming. The only complaints I have would be nitpicking. The only true complaint I suppose I can put forth is that your storytelling wasn't as up to par as the rest of the flash - but I only say that because I'm a writer not a flash animator so to speak. I look forward to future installments on this storyline.

Xionico responds:

thanks =D, i appreciate ur rewiev more than u think =), jejeje XD, im not a very good writer, but i think this story will hav sum good twists, so i hope it doesnt get broing XD
well farewell and thanks for ur rewiev =)

well done

this is pretty good and I'm kind of in a neutral position for what to say cuz I dun want to say he looks like the guy from Moonlight(woops). The effects at the start were well dont. Flash animation is hard and most of ur parts were pretty hard to see thru so good on ya. ;)

Xionico responds:

XD, well lol, at leasxt this one wasnt like some others that just sez "he looks like the one from moonlight...", thanks XD, and as uc an see, i like humor and this rewiev made me laugh XD (dun ask why, im crazy @_@)
well thanks =), farewell

Excellent 1st attempt

I enjoyed that. I don't think the sound was as bad as everyone made out :)

One thing I will say though, is that your writing really detracted from it. I don't know if English is your first language, or if you're dyslexic, or anything like that, but you might want to run it by a spell checker and/or some friends next time. Also, try and be less cliche'd/cheesey :)

Animation was a little ropey in spots, but for the most part I was impressed by some of the techniques you used. Very cool.

Keep it up, I look forward to the next instalment!

Xionico responds:

well yeh, im mexican, so english isnt my main lenguage, im trilexic (learning french too XD) and im the lord of typos XDDDD, well thank you very much for ur rewiev =D farewell

just plain good flash

that was really good, this flash made my day

Xionico responds:

thanks =D, ok time to study for my exam XD


the animation looks alot like moonlight (granfaloon) but this one didn't move alot... it was good for your first movie but it still needs alot of work...

Xionico responds:

O.o o.O >_> <_<, ok here we go again, stop comparing it with moonlight please XO!!! ok thnanks for ur rewiev