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Reviews for "Right Wing Eye"


pretty amusing. nice way to recruit people i suppose. keep up the good work.

Nice work

Nice. I disagree on moral grounds mostly because i'm Catholic, but I thought that you did a wonderful and funny job on this flash. Keep the good flashes coming.

P.S. I thought the Rush chugging pills was hilarious.

I'm right wing, and disagree, but very funny.

To the Da Vinci Code lady behind me, do not trust fiction books, unless they tell you their sources. Also, think in reality, not words; freedom is only good if you have the freedom pointing towards rightness. The freedom to murder is not good, even if they're handicapped (Nazi doctors disagreed with this, and became evil.) The freedom to have sex below the legal age of 16 isn't good (as there are pedophiles, and if you have sex before marrige, you're more likely to have sex after.) The freedom to lie is definitly a no-no, as it breeds distrust. We have our differences in view, think about reality in yours.

I disagree, but not bad.

I consider myself a Republican, and I still found this movie funny. At least until the end, when it went from poking fun at the extreme-rights to SCREAMING POLITICAL AGENDA.

What's the problem anyway? Is it really that hard to keep your sex organs in your pants? But, I digress.

And to that person who thought reading the Da Vinci Code made her an expert on religion, learn the difference between 'fiction' and 'nonfiction' books, please? Maybe you won't be stupid your whole life.


HAhahaha.....an excellent portrayal of the far right goose stepping, brown shirt sporting, jesus humping, moral fascists...hahaha....HAHAHAHaha....pill poppin limbaugh was my fave....pat robertson, assassin for christ (look out chavez!) were CLASSIC!!....all you whining, blubbering, pissing and moaing righwing neandrethals need to get a grip.......where's your sense of humour? ;)