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Reviews for "Zeo Sonic Rangers"


Very cool. iv always loved the power rangers as much as sonic. its cool to see the two combined in such an excellent way. Hw did you manage it? I'd love to see a series. please inform me when youve finished it. ps ad a girl like rouge for example later to even it out. you could even ad cream as well, making 7 rangers. their power could come from the chaos emeralds. Consider 'Chaos rangers' instead of zeo. zeo's been done before - you might be sued by saben. cool idea though.

ahhh pretty good

its good

P.S. (hurry up the series because i liked power rangers in my childhood!)


Awesome idea, Great combonation, but 1 question.
Are the megaman characters the "Zords" and was megaman the "Megazord"?

^^ that was good

hehe it gave me a little chuckle how well it actually fits =3 kudos on the marvel vs capcom megaman super form too. you deserve a cookie ^^...>.> sadly you cant give cookies over the internet without an adress...hmmm so i wish you luck buying your own cookie that im giving you XP and yes!!! get some voice actors and some good plot ideas and make a series...if you need a "zordon" type character i would suggest maybe a floating head of kintobor if you can find any old pics of him


nice you mixed an awesome game series with an awesome theme song